Can Rising Lyme and Other Vector-Borne Diseases be Defeated through a Different Paradigm?

Vladimir S

Published on: 2023-09-06


Vector-borne infections that are known for their high morbidity, and even mortality, have been globally on the rise due to several key factors. Among these are the increased population of and exposure to ticks and mosquitoes that are caused by climate change and deforestation, as well as a generally more health-compromised population due to a continual rise in environmental pollution and other adverse factors. Among these infections are Lyme disease and co-infections, dengue, zika, chikungunya, West Nile fever, and malaria. Several of these lack effective treatments including post-treatment Lyme disease with diagnostic tests not always being reliable.  Additionally, prolonged antibiotic use for Lyme disease tends to promote mutations, antibiotic resistance, and additional fungal infections. This article presents a different approach to vector-borne and infections generically based on several principal factors. These concerns increased the focus on the host’s susceptibility to microorganisms, as well as a novel diagnosis and treatment that are based on physics. The former is to improve the diagnostic yield of infections and predisposing factors, while the latter is to optimize the body’s innate, evolutionary-ordained mechanisms to defeat infections through immune stimulation by vaccine-like action.


Lyme disease; Headache; Bio resonance


According to the US CDC, the incidence of one of the most common vector-borne Lyme disease has risen by 44% from 1999 to 2019 and has been inflicting up to nearly a half-million Americans annually, at a cost of some $1.3 billion a year. Studies have found that over 14% of the population worldwide in 80 countries, have contracted Lyme disease [1]. Yet, due to the presence of many strains of the bacteria, its ability to mutate, and the possibly compromised immune response of the host, laboratory tests are not always reliable nor are antibiotic treatments efficacious [2-4].  Consequently, as many as up to 20% of these patients remain chronically or post-treatment ill and tend to seek alternative treatments. Unfortunately, their shared experience indicates that despite the great variety of these treatments using prolonged antibiotic courses, antimalarial drugs, herbs, oxygen, ultraviolet light, electrocutions, and many supplements for immune support, costing into the six-digit figures, out-of-pocket, their failure and harm prevail.

Some of the patient testimonials are quite revealing, stating that after they visited virtually any “progressive Lyme clinic” in the US or Europe, they became more ill. These treatments were riddled with the notorious “unintended consequences” that led to the development of more aggressive mutated Lyme bacteria strains, and systemic opportunistic infections with Candida genus adding a further immune burden. In light of the encountered problems, concerned Lyme specialists have called for seeking a different approach to the problem [5].  Different approaches, before just resorting to yet another new treatment, should begin with a more inclusive view of related factors that are not only responsible for treatment failures but for contracting disease in the first place. Among these are massive environmental pollutants which are currently ubiquitous in our daily environment, some 100,000 agents, and causing known immunosuppressive effects [6]. Some of these, heavy and other metals, affect genetic and epigenetic mechanisms yet are not completely excreted or metabolized [7]. 

Also, just as prevalent and steadily rising, are opportunistic fungal infections, due to a massive use of antibiotics and the high consumption of simple sugars, which besides increased immune burden also cause immunosuppression [8]. Excessive electromagnetic radiation in modern environments harms immune alterations and interaction with toxic metals which act as receiving antennas inside various organs in the body, especially the brain [9-13].

Due to the serious limitations of laboratory tests to diagnose toxicological and infectious agents inside the internal organs in the living, physics-based alternative medicine bio resonance test, applied kinesiology, has been used to address the gap. Likewise, physics-based homeopathic or homeopathic-like energetic therapy, isodes has been employed for its known antimicrobial vaccine-like immune stimulation, and detoxification of toxicants [14-19]. The offered advantage of such antimicrobial therapeutics is the replacement of a direct microbicidal effect to avoid triggering mutations and antimicrobial resistance, with vaccine-like specific immune stimulation against infectious agents. Recently published studies and case reports presented the efficacy of this approach for COVID-19 and resolving pneumonia without antibiotics [20,21].

In the long experience of this author, homeopathic remedies prepared from organs, sarcodes indicated additional detoxifying and restorative effects. Remedies prepared from bodily fluids in order to counteract contained in infectious or toxicological agents represent autoisodes. Isodes, sarcodes, and autoisodes have been registered with the American FDA and its many counterparts worldwide. Since homeopathic remedies largely represent energetic signals, not chemical substances, materials scientists and physicists deem the prevailing portrayal of these remedies as “overdiluted placebos,” “distortion of and ignorance in science,” and “unnecessary confusion” [22,23]. Considering that physics deems the living to be fundamentally bioenergetic systems, their response to meaningful signals is obligatory [24-38].

Materials and Methods

The applied sarcodes and isodes were obtained from homeopathic pharmacies. Most of the time, sarcodes and isodes were used after adjusting their potencies by an automated water programming device* in order to better match the patient’s individual disease state, according to bio resonance testing.

The same water programming platform was used to prepare autoisodes. Scientific literature referred to energetically modified high-dilution homeopathic remedies as homeopathic-like. Medical Nobelist Montagnier, among other researchers, produced positive biological responses with electronically modified high dilutions. Immunologist Benveniste named this paradigm digital biology [15,39-45]. An automated platform can be particularly helpful in acute and life-threatening emergencies.

bio resonance testing is performed with a subject in a supine position on an examining table, holding a metal rod that is connected to a metal platform through a cable. When glass vials with energetic imprints of body organs, toxicological, infectious, or other pathogens are separately placed on the platform, a person responds to their corresponding fields with an involuntary muscle stress response, if a tested substance is related to their pathology [46]. Muscle response displays a change of tone and a slight movement of the right leg. This reaction can be likened to self-awareness of meaningful information, as in a lie detector test through stressful brain wave patterns. Due to multiple intertwined connections between skin and internal organs, more than a single mechanism of response might be involved. The conduction circuit may include the brain and spinal cord with sensory and motor nerves, autonomic nervous system, widespread connective tissue, and biological water which possess permittivity. The muscle response is detected by a tester by holding his/her hands on the subject’s ankles. In the event of a tested substance not being part of the pathology, muscle response is absent. The test is also used to determine the potential benefit, absence of, or iatrogenicity of a tested therapeutic substance.

Patient Cases

Treatment of all of the cases was guided by bio resonance testing that also determined otherwise undiagnosed Lyme disease. Testing and treatment of the cases primarily focused on the diagnosis of toxicological agents, opportunistic fungal, parasitic, and viral infections, residues of antibiotics, and the dysregulating physiological impacts of excessive electromagnetic radiation. Basic healthy lifestyle guidance was provided in eliminating simple sugars, and reducing exposure to environmental pollutants and electromagnetic radiation that was not always optimally followed.

Case 1

Man in his forties with a recent diagnosis of Lyme disease, but suspecting his having had it since his 20s. Complaints: poor memory, anxiety, neurological symptoms, decreased vision, poor energy, sex drive, with head and back pains. He tried many alternative treatments without success. After a fairly short series of remedies, he reported feeling the best he had in years and virtually free of symptoms.

Case 2

An alternative practitioner in her 40s with Lyme disease and head-to-toe problems for several years: decreased memory, burning mouth, fears, knee and back pain, headaches, hypoglycemic spells with sugar cravings, thyroid malfunction, poor energy, and an inability to lose excessive weight. After a few treatments, she reported feeling ‘the best ever in my life.’

Case 3

A woman in her 40s with massive body breakdown over the years, and a tentative Lyme diagnosis. Presented with periodic fevers, debilitating back pains, fatigue, headaches, photophobia, abnormal space perception, food allergies with cravings, multiple infections,   parasitic, bacterial, viral, enlarged lymph nodes, and a neurological voice disorder. Many prior treatments did not help. By the end of her treatment course, she reported: “I feel so much better than when I started. I keep being amazed by it.”

Case 4

A woman in her thirties, with debilitating symptoms for years, was diagnosed with Lyme disease and Bartonella, two years prior to the visit. Neither prolonged multiple antibiotic treatments nor integrative treatments worked. She complained of intense pains with other neurological symptoms and fatigue. Other symptoms:  excessive weight gain, food intolerances, respiratory and vaginal infections, severe mental impairment with brain fog, falling down after making even a few steps, auditory hallucinations of birds chirping, loose bowel movements, and depression. Her integrative MD was planning on implementing a special Alzheimer’s alternative and pharmaceutical drug program.

Besides Lyme, bio resonance testing detected other pathogens, especially affecting her brain: pesticides, herbicides, (she lived in a farming region), solvents, mercury, and flu virus. Following a single treatment, she reported that she stopped falling down, had a substantial increase in energy, disappearance of auditory hallucinations, normalized bowel movements, and Alzheimer-like mental state disappeared with an increase in mental clarity, word recall, and overall feeling much healthier and happier.

Case 5

A middle-aged woman complained of chronic facial pains and twitches, fatigue, anxiety, fears, and headaches. She was unsuccessfully treated by an osteopathic doctor, a book author, and a pain specialist. Among other causes, bio resonance testing identified Lyme infection affecting her trigeminal nerve and TMJ. She responded to the treatment well, and regained a normal life and her pain specialist doctor supported this approach.

Case 6

A nine-year-old girl was referred to a psychiatrist for psychotropic medications, by a surrendered child psychologist because of the therapist’s inability to remedy her progressing restlessness, OCD, aggressiveness, moodiness, and overall unpredictable behavior over the years. bio resonance testing suggested mercury, Lyme, and strep infections in the brain. She was 90% cured after a single treatment and completely after the second one. “She is just normal. Huge change, huge, huge, since we came here,” said the mother.

Case 7

A woman in her sixties with generalized joint pains, chronic anemia, and fatigue. She was treated for years by her rheumatologist with two anti-inflammatory drugs for rheumatoid arthritis. Bioresonance testing detected Lyme infection and mercury in her joints and bone marrow. Within a year, she came off both drugs, had her anemia resolved, and quality of life restored to normal.

Case 8

A man in his fifties frequented emergency rooms with typical heart angina pains. All heart tests, including coronary artery catheterization performed at a prestigious university heart center, turned normal and his cardiologists offered no diagnosis.  Bio-resonance testing suggested Lyme carditis and following brief treatment, his chest pains ceased.

Case 9

A middle-aged woman suffered from debilitating migraine headaches for many years. The major cause seemed to be a missed Lyme infection in the brain. The outcome: resolved migraines.

Case 10

A woman in her sixties underwent a complete personality change with severe depression, anxiety, panic attacks with crying, compromised cognition, and blurred vision, sensation of inflamed brain, arthritic pains, fatigue, dizziness, and inability to read due to poor focus or retain information. After two years of unproductive treatments by conventional specialists, she was diagnosed with Lyme and co-infections by an integrative MD. Weeks of several antibiotic treatments along with supplements hardly helped. I advised her to stop all of her antibiotics, due to the detected side effects by bio resonance testing, and supplements. Despite her fear of stopping the antibiotics, she had to discontinue one of these anyway, admitting to feeling its side effects. Following her first treatment she reported that her arthritis, panic attacks with crying, and inflamed brain were resolved; her energy and focus were much increased, with brain fog and dizziness hardly present. She stated: “I can tell you that on your drops, especially the Lyme ones, I felt much more Herxheimer reaction than on my antibiotics.” Following the discontinuation of her second antibiotic and receipt of another treatment, she reported that her problems were gone. 


The more intense Herxheimer reaction implies more intense apoptosis of bacteria, due to a potent immune response.

Case 11

A young woman with dozens of mental, emotional and physical symptoms combined, reluctantly followed my advice to discontinue her antibiotics for Lyme and co-infections. Following her first treatment, she reported no longer looking and feeling like a corpse, and even the return of her five-year absent sex drive since the onset of Lyme disease. She also reported much improvement in her pains leading to decreasing her narcotic pain regimen and internal body vibrations with muscle twitches that she had suffered after using some electrocuting machine for Lyme infection. She too, noted stronger Herxheimer reaction to homeopathic-like Lyme drops, compared to all of her prior antibiotics. 

Case 12

Man in his early sixties with multiple medical problems for years: sinusitis since infancy, fatigue in the afternoon for decades, brain fog, arthritic pains, and chocolate cravings.  All these were resolved in eight-nine visits.

Case 13

Fifteen-year-old boy treated with several courses of antibiotics for Lyme infection. However, his complaints persisted: fatigue, headaches, arthritic pains, shortness of breath on walking, low appetite, difficulty with schoolwork. All of these have been resolved after a few treatments.

Case 14

Athletic man in his twenties, with fatigue, depression, panic attacks, one-sided body heaviness, brain fog, compromised short-term memory, motor speech problems, and sense of body detachment for years. Received over a half dozen psychotropic drugs, throughout the ordeal and was still consuming a few. After eight months of the treatment, reported being off psychotropic drugs for months for the first time in twelve years. Most of the problems are gone, with others better or much better. He noted, “My workplace is so loaded with computers and fluorescent lights which drain me and I feel it slows my complete recovery.”

Case 15

A woman in her thirties on a continuous 15-year antibiotics treatment. The latest regimen consisted of four antibiotics for chronic Lyme, Bartonella, sinus, and urinary tract infections. She was also receiving other drugs for years, eleven in total for chronic Babesiosis, herpes, and candida infections, a peptic ulcer, and countless other ailments. Virtually bedridden for many years, she was also receiving intravenous mineral and fluid infusions for severe fluid-mineral imbalance with dehydration, and generalized edema. She was managed by prominent Lyme disease specialists who used multiple drug regimens, but her response was so poor that some of them advised her to seek alternative treatments. The latter harmed her.

The initial bio-resonance testing indicated an even greater number of present chronic bacterial and viral infections, as well as systemic candidiasis. Mercury toxicity was also prominently present, likely due to silver amalgam fillings and a flu shot containing thimerosal received in the past that made her bedridden. Further follow-up testing indicated one of her cats as the Bartonellosis carrier which a blood test confirmed. The total iatrogenic damage in this case was so substantial that there were concerns it would take years to mitigate it. However, within the first two months of weekly treatments, she was able to discontinue all of the drugs and intravenous infusions that she was unable to do for years, since a cessation led to an increase in pain and all of her ailments. Nine months into the treatment, she reported having more energy, stamina, a positive outlook, and a better quality of life.

Case 16

“My journey began working as an RN in a small rural hospital. During this time, I became a mother of six children and I started having reactions to nearly every medication I tried to put into my body, from lidocaine to antibiotics, to a Mantoux test. I would begin to shake and have involuntary body movements. Following a trip to the Mayo clinic, I was told it was all in my head. In 2009, I began to feel very fatigued and began to experience episodes of involuntary movements that lasted longer and were more dramatic. The naturopath found that I had elevated mercury in my system and then, during the process of removing my mercury fillings, I was introduced to FCT*. I was barely able to work most days, some days I had no ability to figure out how to prepare a meal, and I had no awareness where my limbs were in space. My first FCT testing found that not only did I have mercury in my system, but I also had Lyme and 2 or 3 other co-infections from the tick. This was later confirmed through laboratory blood work. The medical doctor recommended two antibiotics to be taken for a year. I chose to be treated with FCT which involved taking 1 drop of energized water, under my tongue, of each of the different causative agents that were making me ill, and also, ones that would support the tissues that were stressed. I made a complete recovery until I was bitten by a tick again in 2011 and once again chose to treat Lyme with FCT.

I am familiar with many other patients who have chosen the antibiotic route and they still have symptoms, or if they try going off them, their symptoms return. I know one gentleman who has been on antibiotics for 3 years with no resolution to his Lyme symptoms if he tries to go off them. I live a full and wonderful life, hiking, fishing, skating, skiing, and caring for my grandchildren. I am truly fortunate to have found FCT and have witnessed the benefits that many people can have as a result of using it.
As an RN, I appreciate all the science that is behind FCT, so if God would like my to serve others by offering FCT, I will be happy to do so.

Have a wonderful day!”

Annette Roiko, RN 1/17/14

*Field Control Therapy® - To express the concept that health or disease originates from corresponding cellular fields, as per Stanford University Professor of Materials Science, William A. Tiller, Ph.D.

Case of a recovered dying dog from apparently West Nile encephalitis

Although the incidence of West Nile Virus infection is relatively low, it occurs worldwide, can be lethal, due to CNS involvement, and has been on the rise lately.  According to the US CDC, about 1 out of 10 people with severe CNS infection die and no known effective treatment is available. The disease also affects a number of animals, including dogs. In light of these facts, the case presented below might be of interest.

A 14-year-old dog of a patient of mine, Duke, was developing limb paralysis and lethargy. As the “control” group, several animals at the same farm, treated by a veterinarian for the same pathology, had to be euthanized months before. Duke’s evaluation suggested West Nile encephalitis virus infection, which is typical for that climate, as well as toxic metals and other pollutants in his body. My patient stated that the area was frequently exposed to chemtrails and their neighbor often burned some odorous materials outside. The veterinarian suspected the same infection and Duke was given its isode that resulted in a 50% improvement. Soon after, two immune organ sarcodes and two environmental isodes added further progress however, shortly after the dog suddenly became completely paralyzed and comatose, with generalized body trembling. To add to the family’s misfortune, another dog suddenly died following a major seizure that was consistent with West Nile encephalitis. My patient notified me of the both events, without mentioning that a veterinarian with a lethal injection for Duke had arrived. I insisted on continuing the treatment but realized that the West Nile virus strain isode at my disposal was not matching his infection strain, as these mosquitoes and viruses vary greatly. My patient also reported recent exposure to chemtrails. Under the circumstances of unavailable matching isodes, autoisodes can be very helpful. My patient was able to prepare an autoisode in a recommended potency using an automated water imprinting device, after drawing blood with an insulin syringe needle from Duke’s paw and placing a drop in his mouth. The next day the dog showed good progress and completely recovered several days later. Seven months later he enjoys his daily chores.

Recent studies indicated that autoisodes could be successfully used in pandemics [20].


In light of the fact that infectious diseases have and will continue their increase on the same course as environmental pollution and climate change, a different approach is sorely necessary.


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