Distribution Of Anopheles Mosquitoes , Potential Vectors, Insecticide Susceptability And Bio-Efficacy Of Llins Nets In Different States And Regions In Myanmar

Mya MM, Thaung S, Myint YY , Mu TN and Maung YNM

Published on: 2022-04-09


Vector bionomic potential vector, sibling species, insecticide subceptibility and  efficacy of LLINs nets were carried out in Indaw, Tangoo, Shwe Kyin, Beelin, Than Byu Zayat, Kamamaung, Hpa-an and Pyin Oo Lwin  Townships in  Myanmar from June 2018 to May 2020. Adult mosquitoes were collected using cattle baited net, indoor and outdoor light traps methods and larval survey was conducted.Standard WHO insecticide susceptibility was employed using field collected specimens as well as vector incrimination  and polytene chromosome study were done for sporozoite and sibling species identification. 80 used Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) 10 each from eight malaria endemic areas of States and Regions of Myanmar were assessed for their bio-efficacy against Anopheles mosquitoes. Insecticide susceptibility and bio-efficacy test were done according to WHO testing method. Results revealed that  a total of 6172 mosquitoes of 14 Anopheles species including main vector and secondary vectors were collected in high density in Than Pyu Zayat and Beelin in Mon State, Kamamaung and Hpa-an in Kayin State, Shwe Kyin  and Tangoo in Bago Region, Pyin Oo Lwin in Mandalay Region and Inn Daw in Sagaing Region. Three Sibling species as An minimus A, An. dirus D and An. culicifacies B were observed and pick biting time was found 10:00 pm for An. dirus and 11:00 pm for  An. minimus in study areas.  All collected mosquitoes were found susceptible to WHO recommended insecticides. Bio-efficacy of PermaNet 2.0, DAWA TANA, Yorkool, BASF, Net protect and Yahe LLINs nets were found to be  90 to100% protection from vector Anopheles mosquitoes. The study suggested that there is need to distribute a large number of effective LLINs nets in malaria endemic areas as well as the replacement of expired, less effective and very old LLINs nets with a new one is also necessary. LLINs nets are very effective Anopheles mosquitoes control tools and it can reduce the human-vector contact effectively. Moreover, research on bio-efficacy evaluations of the LLINs nets is required regularly to maintain and control the transmission of malaria through Anopheles mosquitoes.