Industrial and Municipal Waste Utilization as Valuable Raw Materials to Prevent Earth Pollution with High Environmental and Economic Efficiency
Mymrin VA
Published on: 2024-10-26
This article includes a list of industrial and municipal wastes (IMW), which in various combinations have been used by the author for 60 years with great success as valuable components of mainly construction materials, mainly as cement-free concrete and ceramics. Complete replacement of natural raw materials like clay, sand and stone gives a double environmental effect due to reducing of natural connections’ disruption by quarries and by replacing them with large quantities of different IMW, including waste of heavy metals from electroplating, polluting the environment in numerous dumps. The physicochemical processes of interaction between all components of these mixtures were studied, explaining the formation of new structures and the properties of the developed materials. Such a replacement of a large number of relatively expensive natural materials with free or cheap IMPs inevitably leads to very high economic efficiency in the use of the developed materials.