Magnetic Properties Characterization of Waste Iron Ore Using 57fe Mossbauer Spectroscopy Vibrating Sample Magnetometer in Itakpe Area of Kogi State, Nigeria
Muhammed SA and Aliyu S
Published on: 2024-02-16
Itakpe of kogi state contains the highest grade iron ore among the other sides in Nigeria. Waste sample was characterized to study the magnetic properties in the sample, the waste that increase rapidly due to their high output and low utilization. In this work the waste sample was collected from an iron ore mining site. A ball milling machine was used to crush the sample into powder form. A size of about 0.2g was each measured for vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy measurements. The investigation of the magnetic properties such as saturation magnetization Ms, and coercivity Hc, were determined at room temperature. The Ms and Hc of the waste sample of 5emu/g with slightly higher Hc of about 120 Oe. This analysis revealed that the iron-ore waste still contains a significant amount of iron, requiring an optimum beneficiation process for economic value. The 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy performed at room temperature on the waste sample indicate that hematite (α-Fe2O3) is the major iron oxide phase. Small phases of magnetite (Fe3O4) was however, detected. Evidence of goethite (α-FeO OH) was seen. The isomer shift values showed the presence of Fe3+ ions in the sample. Therefore, more efforts are needed to utilize this waste for its possible applications as it contains high hematite and suggest it to be used for construction, ceramics, glass and the hematite content of iron ore in the waste can be converted into magnetite nanoparticles for various applications.