The Design of Water Treatment Plant at Ponukumadu Village for Recycling Of Waste Water
Uppala P and Dey S
Published on: 2022-10-31
Ponukumadu is a town in Nandivada Mandal in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh state, India. Ponukumadu is around by Gudivada Mandal to the South, mainly the exterior water i.e., pond water is the major resource of water is taken from Krishna river by Nehrelli conduit for the Ponukumadu village. The region of the water pond is 5 acres and depth of the pond having 6 feet at the centre and having 4 feet at the border. The inhabitant of Ponukumadu village is 650 as per 2021 survey. The water tank capability of rural community is 40,000litres. This analysis was approved to measure the exterior water purity and appropriateness for ingestion reason. The water features parameters have the chemical, physic
Ponukumadu is a town in Nandivada Mandal in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh state, India. Ponukumadu is around by Gudivada Mandal to the South, mainly the exterior water i.e., pond water is the major resource of water is taken from Krishna river by Nehrelli conduit for the Ponukumadu village. The region of the water pond is 5 acres and depth of the pond having 6 feet at the centre and having 4 feet at the border. The inhabitant of Ponukumadu village is 650 as per 2021 survey. The water tank capability of rural community is 40,000litres. This analysis was approved to measure the exterior water purity and appropriateness for ingestion reason. The water features parameters have the chemical, physical and biological characteristics and can be analyzed depend on the preferred water parameters of worry. The ingestion water purification plant consists of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection units. Mainly depending on the water quality effect, every unit is frequently analysis to appreciate the better water quality products, both in plan and procedures.
al and biological characteristics and can be analyzed depend on the preferred water parameters of worry. The ingestion water purification plant consists of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection units. Mainly depending on the water quality effect, every unit is frequently analysis to appreciate the better water quality products, both in plan and procedures.