Ultrasound of the Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter: An Indispensable Tool in Emergency and Critical Care Oncology

Remon AS and Naranjo AJC

Published on: 2022-12-29


Oncologic critical care, as a subspecialty of critical medicine, was born just over 50 years ago. The main  reason  was  the  demographic  increase  of  people  over 65  years  of  age  with  an  overall  risk  of  50%  of developing cancer during their lifetime, pathophysiological knowledge, new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, as well as access to conventional and minimally invasive oncologic surgery. However, there are currently  important  knowledge  gaps  on  the  outcomes  of  oncology  patients  in  intensive  care  units ([ICU]  mortality,  costs  or  disparity  in  care)  and  this  subpopulation  is  not  among  the  study  universe  of major clinical trials in critically ill patients. [1].