Forensic-Biomedicines Preventing ‘Cardiovascular-Complications during Covid-19-Infection’ Improved Pathological-Research-Scientific-Information-Technology-Communication-Wildlife-Global-Health-Nursing-Toxicology
Datta SC
Published on: 2023-01-07
The most-infectious-fast-spreading-Omicron-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic and other Monkey pox, Ebola, Polio, and other outbreaks, different 100 versions of new sub-variants, difficult-to-track, and the cases have for the first time passed one million per day on average, opening a new chapter in the COVID-19-pandemic that has affected our lives, our economy, education, and derailed polar It is an urgent need for "the universal coronavirus vaccine" or "the booster vaccine." To solve the mystery, it has already been discovered that biomedicines (Zingiber officinal Rosc.) prepared from the rhizome of ginger are highly effective against coronaviruses and COVID-19-diseases by boosting natural immunity at extremely low doses. As a result, the goals of the current case studies are to observe and confirm clinical treatment with Ginger MT-biomedicines at extremely low doses at random in the different COVID-19 containment areas of the Burdwan Municipality of Purba Bardhaman District, as well as to count some unexpected potential individual case reports. As a result, in the "New-Year-2023," "Preventive Standard Model Universal Vaccine," "Ginger MT-Biomedicine," provides "Booster Protection Against Omicron OR Future All Possible Variants" Improving Global Health Clinical Case Reports Medical Research Science Technology Communication," and in the future, this will be the most-effective "Future Booster Ginger MT-Biomedical Vaccines" because of its: extremely-ultra-low-doses, popular and the world will retain its previous forms because of "Forensic Biomedicines Preventing Cardiovascular Complications During COVID-19 Infection" and "Improved Pathological Research, Scientific Information, Technology, Communication, Wildlife, Global Health, Nursing, Toxicology."