Forensic-Biomedicines Preventing ‘Cardiovascular-Complications during Covid-19-Infection’ Improved Pathological-Research-Scientific-Information-Technology-Communication-Wildlife-Global-Health-Nursing-Toxicology
Datta SC
Published on: 2023-01-07
The most-infectious-fast-spreading-Omicron-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic and other Monkey pox, Ebola, Polio, and other outbreaks, different 100 versions of new sub-variants, difficult-to-track, and the cases have for the first time passed one million per day on average, opening a new chapter in the COVID-19-pandemic that has affected our lives, our economy, education, and derailed polar It is an urgent need for "the universal coronavirus vaccine" or "the booster vaccine." To solve the mystery, it has already been discovered that biomedicines (Zingiber officinal Rosc.) prepared from the rhizome of ginger are highly effective against coronaviruses and COVID-19-diseases by boosting natural immunity at extremely low doses. As a result, the goals of the current case studies are to observe and confirm clinical treatment with Ginger MT-biomedicines at extremely low doses at random in the different COVID-19 containment areas of the Burdwan Municipality of Purba Bardhaman District, as well as to count some unexpected potential individual case reports. As a result, in the "New-Year-2023," "Preventive Standard Model Universal Vaccine," "Ginger MT-Biomedicine," provides "Booster Protection Against Omicron OR Future All Possible Variants" Improving Global Health Clinical Case Reports Medical Research Science Technology Communication," and in the future, this will be the most-effective "Future Booster Ginger MT-Biomedical Vaccines" because of its: extremely-ultra-low-doses, popular and the world will retain its previous forms because of "Forensic Biomedicines Preventing Cardiovascular Complications During COVID-19 Infection" and "Improved Pathological Research, Scientific Information, Technology, Communication, Wildlife, Global Health, Nursing, Toxicology."
Forensic-Biomedicines; Preventing; ‘Cardiovascular-Complications; COVID-19; Improved;Pathological-Research-Scientific-Information-Technology-Communication-Wildlife-Global-Health-Nursing-ToxicologyIntroduction
The blind-spots-dominant-mutant-severe-infectious-burning-fast-spreading-'Omicron-SARS-CoV-2, new-chapter invaded-pummeling-innate-immunity-coronavirus-variant' sweeps the across-the-planet, hard-to-track, and the-cases-have-for-the first-time passed one-million per day on an average opening-a-new-chapter in the COVID-19-pandemic, remembering the previous 'Ebola' stopping mass death in Africa, and the current pandemic of coronavirus has badly impacted our social lives, education, socioeconomic, etc., and nearly each and every corner of the world, and the highest number of total 850,000 Covid-19 deaths have been reported in the United States, and the rest of the globe have been more than 5.4 million deaths due to lack of vaccines (Figure 1). Several new Omicron sub variants have been steadily gaining ground in the U.S., setting off alarm bells ahead of fall and winter, when experts say we can expect to see another Covid surge, and they include BQ.1 and BQ.1.1, which currently account for 11 percent of casesin the U.S., up from about 3 percent two weeks ago. Other Omicron offshoots are also growing steadily, including BA.4.6, BF.7 and XBB, which has been spreading quickly in Singapore (The New York Times, October 19, 2022), and we are gasping for air, and this 'Omicron-SARS-CoV-2-wave is different from the previous one, and hot spots from New York to Florida to Texas, generally no need to admit in the intensive care units or ventilation or hospitalized (15%), compared with Delta patients 43 % and 55% Alpha patients, and in India’s major cities are experiencing nearly 50% or more, 90% in Delhi, increases in cases overnight Omicron attack , just a few months after the deadly Delta attack, and the 15,000 cases in Mumbai reported [1-4]. Now it is needed to understand a virulent new virus ‘Omicron’ quickly. How do we best care for our patients? How do we stop the spread? How do we protect ourselves? It is an urgent need, “The Universal-Coronavirus-Vaccines OR the Booster-Vaccine or the God-Particle-Vaccine” [5-7]. On the other hand, the unsolved mysteries of the universe for a long time is an elementary particles of the ‘Standard-Model’ in ‘Particle-Physics’, The ‘God-Particle’ OR the ‘Higgs-Boson’. So, in the New Year 2023, the scientists have emphasized to plan to set the research on science events like the ‘Omicron, Moon-Missions and Particle-Physics’ [7], [8]. To overcome both mysteries, it has been already observed that the-biomedicines-Zingiber officinale Rosc. At an extremely ultra-low dose, prepared from the rhizome of ginger, highly effective against coronavirus controlling COVID-19 diseases by boosting natural immunity [9-12]. The Hon’ble Dr. Eric J. Rubin, M.D., Ph.D., Editor-In-Chief, The New England Journal of Medicine, wrote a letter informing that the vaccines were also not equally available globally, as the majority of them were distributed in middle- and high-income countries. Now, it has been tried that the global vaccine will be more equitable and clinically important ‘Notable Articles’ in the New Year 2023 preventing shortfalls that impact a global crisis on sustainable development [13], [14].
The objectives of the present studies are to observe, confirm, highlight, and find out different cases; the treatment with Ginger MT-biomedicines, prepared from the rhizome (Plate 1) of traditional common ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), at extremely low doses, at random in the different COVID-19- containment areas of the Burdwan Municipality of Purba Bardhaman District, among the different students with guardians and family members of Kanchannagar D.N. Das High School (HS) in the 23-and 24-wards of the Burdwan Municipality, and collect some surprise individual-samples case reports. And to see and confirm the efficacy of Ginger MT-biomedicines at extremely low doses, and also to see and observe, “May ‘Ginger MT-Biomedicine’ be ‘The God-Particle’ ‘Preventive-Standard-Model-Universal-Vaccine’ against the ‘Omicron’ like variant-fast-spreading-Coronavirus-2 in the ‘Happy New Year-2022 by improving Global-Health Clinical-Case-Reports Medical-Research Science-Technology-Communication?”, and it's future. And also to find out, “Will it is a potential equitable clinically important ‘Notable-Articles’ of the global vaccine in the New Year 2022 preventing shortfalls and global crisis on sustainable development remain committed to bringing you the best information to treat the patients?”
Plate 1: Rhizomes of common ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), 2D and 3D structures of 6-Gingerol [66], [72].
Materials and Methods
High-Diluted Ginger MT-Biomedicines (HDGBM) Preparation
The high-diluted Ginger MT-Biomedicine (Mother Tincture i.e. Original solution or crude extract) was prepared from air-dried powdered rhizomes (Plate 1) of the traditional ginger, Zingiber officinale Rosc., extracting with 90% ethanol, forming residue which was diluted in 90% ethanol at 1mg/ml concentration [9-12], [15-25], [27-47].
Ultra-High-Diluted Ginger-Biomedicines-Liquid (UHDGBML) Preparation
The ultra-high-diluted Ginger-Biomedicines-Liquids (UHDGBML); Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C, were prepared from a few drops of a liquid potency of Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C [9-12], [15-25], [27-47].
Ultra-High-Diluted Ginger-Biomedicines-Globules (UHDGBMG) Preparation
The ultra-high-diluted Ginger-Biomedicines-Globules (UHDGBMG); Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C, were prepared by soaking the few drops of a liquid potency in the proportion of 7.2 mg globules/ml of Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C [9-12], [15-25], [27-47].
Sample Area
The sample area was the different COVID-19-containment areas of the Burdwan Municipality as well as Purba Bardhaman District, the adjacent area of Kanchannagar D.N. Das High School (HS), especially the 23-and-24-wards of the Burdwan-Municipality, and some typical family sample areas of the Burdwan-Municipality [9-12], [15-54].
Treatments Sample Groups and Duration
The treated samples were the general patients of the (I)-‘Burdwan Medical College and Hospital (BMCH), coming from different areas of Purba Bardhaman District and the outsider of adjacent District as well as other states also, different COVID-19-patients of (II)-‘Containment Areas’ (CA) of Purba Bardhaman District, students, parents/guardians, and family members of (III)-‘Kanchannagar D.N. Das High School (HS)’ (KDNDHS), 23-& 24 No. Ward of Kanchannagar, Burdwan Municipality, Purba Bardhaman, and West Bengal, India from the onset of COVID-19, March 2020 to the end of the fast-spreading of COVID-19, December 2021 [9-12], [15-54].
Treatments Assistance
Under the instruction of the Hon’ble District Magistrate of Purba Bardhaman, and under the assistance of the Hon’ble Chief Medical Officer, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital and (BMCH AND CMOH) providing the rapid antigen kits for the COVID-19 infected and comorbid patients, the treatments and visits were done at random in the different sample areas by the Hon’ble treating doctors of ; Dr. Dipanwita Malick, MBBS, and eminent Senior Consultant Physician, Dr. Ranjan Mukherjee, M.B.B.S., M.D., District Coordinator of Sishu Sathi Scheme at Department of Health and Family Welfare, Purba Bardhaman, Burdwan-713102, West Bengal, India, and the Hon’ble special guest doctor, eminent Senior Consultant Physician & Cardiologist Dr. Tushar Kanti Batabyal, M.B.B.S., M.D., Ex-Clinical Tutor of the Burdwan Medical College & Hospital, Government of West Bengal, India, with the help of; the Hon’ble Secretary, Mr. Rakesh Khan, M.A., B.Ed., (Gold Medalist), and the Hon’ble President, Mr. Subhendu Bose, with all Young Green-Members of the ?International NGO named Burdwan Green Haunter and Students‘ Goal, the secondary- and higher secondary-students, and the energetic community volunteer. The whole schedule was guided and led by Dr. Subhas Chandra Datta, Headmaster, Secretary, and Coordinator of Kanchannagar D.N.Das High School (HS), and the treatment was randomized by using a completely randomized block design and guidance, and the rest of the general sample 100%-communities of Purba Bardhaman District, were treated as ‘Control Treatments Groups (01year to 99 years)’ [9-12], [15-54], and all the information was counted for statistical analysis by the analysis of variance ‘ANOVA’ (P<0.01).
General Symptoms
The observation of main symptoms is fever, cough, tiredness, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, headache, aches, and pains, diarrhea, a rash on the skin, discoloration of fingers or toes, red or irritated eyes, etc. [9-12], [15-54]. All the information was counted for statistical analysis by the analysis of variance ‘ANOVA’ (P<0.01).
Dose of Treatments
The treatments were done @ 10-20 drops of the high-diluted-biomedicine Ginger MT (GMT), mixed @ 50ml-100ml (a half to a full cup) of moderately hot sterile-distilled-or pure-drinking-water or tea or milk, orally administered @ 5-8 times/day at an interval of 1- 2hrs, after taking any kinds of nutritious biomedicine-enriched-food against naturally occurring coronavirus infections or re-infections, 30-45 days before symptom onset OR illness onset (as a vaccine) OR onset of symptoms where patients in hospital-associated COVID-19 infections have been reported (treatments), and the dose may be increased depending on the intensity of diseases in case of treatment advised by doctors [9-12], [15-54]. All the information was counted for statistical analysis by the analysis of variance ‘ANOVA’ (P<0.01).
Data Collection and Records Maintenance
All the data was collected from; the treating doctor, individual, NGO, students, and the different webpage The higher secondary (H.S.) students collected data from the communities treatments groups maintaining records of the data for statistical analysis by the analysis of variance ‘ANOVA’ (P<0.01).
Science Technology Communication Applications (STCA)
The NGO-Burdwan Green Haunter and Students‘ Goal with the different communities, scholars, researchers, artists, teachers, staff, community, photographers, different scientists, academicians, clinicians, administrators, institutions, farmers, and media personnel, visited making the news and published in different medical journals [9-12], [15-54].
The school students, NGOs, and different young volunteers organized many social-awareness virtual camps (VC) among the communities in different ways; using masks mandate, cleaning hands with soap, maintaining physical distance, and avoiding touching eyes-nose-mouth, etc. [9-12], [15-54].
Table1 showed the effects of high-diluted-biomedicines-Ginger MT as preventive as well as treated biomedicines on family and community against COVID-19 or reinfection; I- Burdwan Medical College and Hospital (BMCH), II- Containment Areas (CA), and III- Kanchannagar D.N. Das High School (HS) (KDNDHS) i.e. average treatment/control age groups (01-99 years) of the different family and communities treatment group’s family members regarding the infection or reinfection of coronavirus 2 / omicron of the families in the community of Burdwan Municipality, Bardhaman-I, and Bardhaman –II, Purba Bardhaman, from March 2020 to December 2021, and all the data were significant difference by the analysis of variance ‘ANOVA’ (P<0.01). All the treatments of ‘high-diluted-biomedicines-Ginger MT’ total age group 01-99 years’ showed more than 99.76% -absolute recovery in-home quarantine where active or passive infection or reinfection occurred after preventive- high-diluted-biomedicines-Ginger MT. The treatment of ‘Burdwan Medical College and Hospital (BMCH)’ showed the highest active reinfection after the preventive-‘high-diluted-biomedicines-Ginger MT’. The treatment of ‘Kanchannagar D.N. Das High School (HS) received the highest passive infection /reinfection, and mortality occur less than 0.25% aged-and-co morbid, heart and diabetic patients, and no mortality happened due to effective preventive –HDBMGMT (‘high-diluted-biomedicines-Ginger MT’), following the Covid-19 status of Purba Bardhaman District and United States (Figure 1:from Web Pages). Potential absolute immunization occurred due to effective HDBMGMT and natural immunity. It is noted that COVID-19 was affected different people in different ways. Most infected people would be developed asymptomatic (49%) or mild to moderate illnesses (50%) and would be recovered without hospitalization (Table 1).
Table 1: Clinical Effects of high-diluted-biomedicines-Ginger MT against COVID19
Average Treatment / Control Age Groups (01-99 years)
Visited Burdwan Municipality, Burdwan-I & Burdwan-II: March 2020 to December 2021 |
Average Number of Family |
Average Number of Family Members |
Average COVID-19 Active Patients |
Average COVID-19 Passive Patients |
Average Home Quarantine |
Average Number of Recovery |
I- Burdwan Medical College and Hospital (BMCH) |
257.89b ±00.03 |
644.73bx ±00.11 |
00.00cy ±00.01 |
497.97cz ±00.11 |
496.03cz ±00.01 |
497.01cz ±00.16 |
No mortality due to increase effective preventive biomedicines & natural immunity |
II- Containment Areas (CA) |
255.87b ±00.01 |
767.61cx ±00.17 |
02.00by ±00.02 |
248.23bz ±00.07 |
251.22bz ±00.11 |
254.98bz ±00.14 |
One died due to heart attack, & no mortality due to effective preventive biomedicines |
III- Kanchannagar D.N. Das High School (HS) (KDNDHS) |
171.25a ±00.02 |
231.18ax ±00.02 |
09.00ay ±00.04 |
56.82az ±00.26 |
54.42az ±00.12 |
57.97az ±00.11 |
Died 0.24% aged-&-co morbid, heart-&-diabetic patient, & no mortality due to effective preventive biomedicines |
Total Average Treatment Age Groups (01-99 years) |
(685) 100% |
(1644) 100% |
(11) 0.67% |
(803) 48.84% |
(802) 48.78% |
(810) 99.76% |
Potential 99.76% immunization due to effective biomedicines & natural immunity. And most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. |
Total Average Control Age Groups (01-99 years) |
March-2020 |
100% |
100% |
04.87% |
75.56% |
74.21% |
92.98% |
Died 7.02% aged-&-co morbid, heart-&-diabetic, & COVID 19 patient |
December-2021 |
100% |
100% |
0.21% |
99.79% |
88.01% |
93.53% |
Died 6.47% aged-&-co morbid, heart-&-diabetic & COVID 19 patient with mild to moderate illness and recover with hospitalization. |
And in the rest of the general 100% average control age groups (01-99 years) of the different family and communities group’s family members of Purba Bardhaman District, showed 92.98% to 93.53% -recovery after hospitalization in comparison with the preventive-HDBMGMT- treatment group within the stipulated time, and all were also counted for statistical analysis by the analysis of variance ‘ANOVA’, where 6.47% to 7.02% died in aged-and-comorbid, heart-and –diabetic, and COVID 19 patient with asymptomatic or mild to moderate illness and recovered after hospitalization within the same period from March 2020 to December 2021, where the most common symptoms were: fever, cough, tiredness, loss of taste or smell, and the less common symptoms were: sore throat, headache, aches, and pains, diarrhea, a rash on the skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes, red or irritated eyes, following the Covid -19 status of Purba Bardhaman District and United States (Figure 1: from Web Pages). It is interesting that the last Covid-wave is the fastest transmissible and infective but less detrimental in all respect in both preventive-HDBMGMT- treatment/control groups.
Figure 1: Trend Covid -19 report of Purba Bardhaman and United States (from Web Pages).
All the treatments groups of all the age groups on family and community against COVID-19 showed absolute recovery only in-home quarantine due to treatment with the preventive–HDBMGMT (‘high-diluted-biomedicines-Ginger MT’) on family and community against COVID-19 which contains many active effective phytoconstituents or bioactive compounds, and it provides booster immunity or hard immunity or innate immunity preventing also many diseases; analgesic, diuretic, antifungal, vermifuge, antiulcer, laxative, antiviral, asthma, ulcers, diarrhea, swelling of the mouth or throat, and high cholesterol and hypertension, hepato protective and antioxidant activities. For these reasons, all the treatment age groups, 1 year to 99 years showed more than 99.76% -absolute recovery only in-home isolation or home quarantines were active or passive infection or reinfection occurred after preventive-–HDBMGMT. And it may develop the blueprint with the help of ‘Students-NGO-Model etc., for potential diagnostics, booster vaccines, and therapeutics against novel coronavirus-2 or omicron or future X-disease [9-12], [15-54]. And the idea of the ‘God-Particle’ (GP) OR ‘Higgs-Boson’ (HB), is the ‘Fundamental Particle’ associated with the ‘Higgs-Field’ that gives mass to other fundamental particles whose mass determines how much it resists changing its speed or position when it encounters a force and its interactions that make up the universe we live in, and it may provide clues to new particles that only interact with other ‘Standard Model’ particles through the ‘Higgs-Boson’ and thereby lead to ‘New Scientific Discoveries’ i. e. the preventive-–HDBMGMT which act as the ‘God-Particle’ (GP) OR ‘Higgs-Boson’ (HB), the ‘Fundamental Particle’ where Calculating ‘God- HDBMGMT’ from the ‘God-Particle’ also, forming the ‘Preventive-Oral-Vaccine-Standard-Model Ginger MT-Biomedicines’, of ‘Boost-Protection-Against-‘Omicron’ [7,49-55]. As a result, the potential absolute immunization occurred due to effective preventive HDBMGMT and natural or innate immunity, OR due to the interaction of the ‘Fundamental-Particle’, The ‘God-Particle’ (GP) OR ‘Higgs-Boson’ (HB) which might be influenced that the COVID-19 was affected different people in different ways, and the most infected people would be developed mild to moderate illnesses and would be recovered without hospitalization [7-12], [15-55].
It was remarkable that in the KDNDASHS, the less than 20 age group showed the highest passive coronavirus carrier with absolute recovery [56]. It was remarkable that the below 20 years early students age group showed the highest passive infection/reinfection due to the potential effects of preventive–HDBMGMT. So the potential very old traditional cost-effective side-effect-free environment-friendly easily prepare-able easily-manufacture-able equitable-marketable easily-available and supply-able, the best quality-nanoparticles-biomedical–HDBMGMT at extremely low doses, “From Vaccine-Nationalism-to-Vaccine-Equity— Finding a Path-Forward”, forming the ‘‘Preventive-Oral-Vaccine-Standard-Model Ginger MT-Biomedicines’’ Boost-Protection-Against-‘Omicron’; of ‘Future-X-Pandemic’ (FXP), The ‘God-Particle’ (GP) Enriching OR Improving-Global-Health-Clinical-Case-Reports-Medical-Research-Science-Technology-Communication [7-12,15-56]. It will resist COVID vaccine hesitancy against new variants, the ‘Omicron’ that has long been recognized as a problem in high- and middle-income nations of the world’s poorest countries, and lack of access to vaccines [57]. The ‘God-Particle’-‘Ginger MT-Biomedicines’ not only acts as a ‘Preventive-Oral-Vaccine-Standard-Model’ but also ‘Booster Protection Against-‘Omicron’ OR ‘Future-X-Pandemic’ (FXP) by improving all-round development and growth of the babies, our future focusing on global health and well-being also [58].
Future Research
Currently, the Guardian staff and agencies information regarding the ‘Omicron variant’ in ‘The Guardian’, “WHO warns ‘Omicron’ could overwhelm health systems as cases rise to record highs in Europe, and the restrictions return in China, South Africa, and Germany as countries around the world struggle to contain new variant, and the UK households warned of ‘year of the squeeze’ as cost of living soars” (Figure1). So, it is obligatory the purpose of the future prospects of research is to develop different ‘Preventive Booster Vaccines’ The ‘God-Particle’-‘Ginger MT-Biomedicines-Ideas’ that promote excellence in the personal, comprehensive, and continuing care for the individual in the context of the family and the community and it has been established to promote the knowledge, attitude, and practice of all aspects of comprehensive health care; preventive, curative, and rehabilitative, and It also aims at facilitating the development of family-community-based biomedical-research-education, and global-health-services which ultimately resourceful research papers, review articles, short communications, case reports, mini-reviews, opinions, and letters to editors, etc. for the prestigious journals. Now the present results and discussion fulfill the goal for the research suggestions as to different ‘Preventive Ginger MT-Biomedicines Booster Vaccine’, The ‘God-Particle’ -Ideas’ that enhance innate immunity resisting the entry of SARS-CoV-2 [7-12], [15-63].
Ginger MT-Booster-Vaccine-I
This ‘Booster-Vaccine- Ginger Mosaic Virus’ (BVGMV) develops by using combined-‘Ginger MT-Biomedicines with Ginger mosaic virus (GMV) as antigenic epitopes derived from the vaccine targets COVID-19 [7-12,15-54,59].
Ginger MT-Booster-Vaccine-II
This ‘Booster-Vaccine-Ginger-BML’ develops by using ultra-high-diluted Ginger-Biomedicines-Liquids (UHDGBML); Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C, in liquid or globular forms [7-12], [15-56].
Ginger MT-Booster-Vaccine-III
This ‘Booster Vaccine Adjuvant-Ginger-MT’ develops by using Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C, in liquid or globular forms, and the recombinant protein nanoparticles antigens derived from the coronavirus spike protein [7-12], [15-56], [60].
Ginger MT-Booster-Vaccine-IV
This ‘Booster Vaccine Anti-Human-Antibodies’ develops by using combined ‘Ginger-MT’ with the anti-Human antibodies like IgG (A80-104A, A80-105A), IgM (A80-100A, A80-101A), & IgA (A80-102A, A80-103A) [7-12], [15-56], [61].
Ginger MT-Booster-Vaccine-V
This ‘Booster Vaccine Liquid-Soaked-N95-Mask’ prepared by using combined ‘Ginger-MT’ OR with the ‘UHD-biomedicines; Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C,’-‘Liquid-Soaked-N95-Respirator- or Double-Layered-Surgical Mask’ [7-12], [15-56], [60].
Ginger MT-Booster-Vaccine-VI
This ‘Booster Vaccine Liquid-Steam-Inhalation’ prepared by using combined ‘Ginger-MT’ OR with the ‘UHD-biomedicines; Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C,’-‘Liquid-Steam-Inhalation’ [7-12], [15-56], [60].
Ginger MT-Booster-Vaccine-VII
This ‘Booster Vaccine Ginger-MT prepared by using combined biomedicine-meal mixing with the ‘Ginger-MT’ with the ‘UHD-biomedicines; Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C,’ in liquid or globular forms [7-12], [15-56], [60].
Ginger MT-Booster-Vaccine-VIII
This ‘Booster Vaccine Ginger-MT-Chocolate’ prepared by using combined ‘Ginger-MT’, and ‘Chocolate’ been mixed with the ‘UHD-biomedicines; Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C,’ in the liquid or globules [7-12], [15-56], [60].
Ginger MT-Booster-Vaccine-IX
This ‘Booster Vaccine Ginger-MT-Chewing Gum’ was prepared by using combined ‘Ginger-MT’, and the ‘Chewing gum’ has been mixed with the ‘UHD-biomedicines; Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C,’ in the liquid or globules [7-12], [15-56], [60].
Ginger MT-Booster-Vaccine X
This ‘Booster Vaccine Ginger-MT Juice is prepared by grinding the ‘Ginger-MT-Biomedicines-Meal’ with the ‘UHD-biomedicines; Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C,’ in the liquid or globules [7-12], [15-56], [60].
Ginger MT-Booster-Vaccine XI
This ‘Booster Ginger-MT Nasal Vaccine was prepared by high diluting the ‘Ginger-MT’ with the ‘UHD-biomedicines; ‘UHD-biomedicines; Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C,’ in the liquid [7-12], [15-56], [60].
In the coming ‘New Year-2023’ these ‘Ginger-MT-Biomedicines-Booster-Vaccine Future-Ideas’ will be the most effective for their; extremely ultra-low doses, popular and regular use as traditional medicines, easily tackle many diseases and complications, use in different pharmacological medicines preparation, extremely low-toxicity, and potential efficacy, many potential different phytochemicals in a diverse range, eco-friendly-side effects-free, cost-effective, easily prepare-able, easily-available, easily-manufacture-able, easily-equitable, easily-marketable and easily-supply-able, etc. and develop the best quality biomedical and life-scientific information on all aspects of pharmacology and its analytical nanoparticles studies or proper side-effects free effective medicines or drugs also. The last year has brought us the new ‘Omicron’ OR ‘Future-X-Pandemic’- challenges even as the old ones COVID-19 persists. If anything, these preventive-‘Booster Vaccine Future Ideas ‘enhances innate immunity in resisting the entry of SARS-CoV-2, and it has taught us to tackle the ongoing pandemic to rethink differently any further epidemic challenges and questions where we recently face when it comes to big issues like climate change, gender equality, inflation, and economic measurement also. But— who should decide; adolescents, parents, and Covid-19 vaccination? And we will enjoy and tell, "Happy New Year 2023! [7-12], [15-63]". Still, now, the scientists don't know how bad the ‘Omicron-wave’ will be, mentioning the “Trust, Faith, and Covid” with the “Ginger-MT-Biomedicines-Booster-Vaccine, The ‘God-Particle’–A promising Drug of choice for COVID-19, and it may resist the probable 3 million death due to COVID19 in India, and the family biomedicines with wildlife conservation may be future omicron-like-preventive-epidemic-covid-19-model enriched forestry-horticulture-agriculture environment-health-biodiversity-science-technology-communication-application-issues” [64-68]. So, it is confirmed from the “Immediate Apply ‘Emergency-Oral-Vaccine’ of ‘Omicron’ Enriched’ ‘Clinical-Global-Health Medical-Research Science-Technology-Communication-Application-Issue’, OR Biomedicines-Meal and Ultra-High-Diluted-Biomedicines-Turmeric Treat as ‘Community-Booster-Vaccine Standard-Model’, The ‘God-Particle’ of ‘Future-X-Pandemic’: Enriched Family-Medicine-Agriculture-Environment-Science-Technology-Communication-Issues!, and OR Biomedicines-Meals Act as the ‘Preventive-Immunity-Booster-Community-Vaccine’ Against ‘Omicron’ Enriching Global-Public-Health Forestry-Agriculture-Environment-Biodiversity-Wildlife-Conservation Medical-Research-Science-Technology-Communication-Applications”, and recently, the scientists became surprised due to sudden rise of the more transmissible form “Sister” of original Omicron, but no evidence yet it causes more severe disease [69-91].
The biomedicines—Ginger MT, at extremely ultra-low doses, prepared from the rhizome of ginger, is highly effective against coronavirus controlling COVID-19-diseases by boosting natural immunity.Preventive-Standard-Model-Universal-Vaccine-Ginger-Biomedicine”, the “Booster-Protection Against ‘Omicron OR Future-All-Possible-Variants’ Improving Global-Health-Clinical-Case-Reports-Medical-Research-Science-Technology-Communication”, and in future, this will be the most effective ‘Future-Booster-Ginger-Biomedical-Vaccines’ for its; extremely ultra-low doses, popular and regular use as traditional-medicines, easily tackle many diseases and complications, use in different pharmacological medicines preparation, extremely low-toxicity, and potential efficacy, many potential different phytochemicals in a diverse range, eco-friendly-side effects-free, cost-effective, easily prepare-able, easily-available, easily-manufacture-able, easily-equitable, easily-marketable and easily-supply-able, etc. and develop the best quality biomedical and life-scientific information on all aspects of pharmacology and its analytical nanoparticles studies or proper side-effects free effective medicines or drugs also. And the bad ‘Omicron-wave’ mentioning the “Trust, Faith, and Covid” with the “Ginger-MT-Biomedicines-Booster-Vaccine, A promising Drug of choice for COVID-19”. And the world will retain in previous forms because of the “Forensic-Biomedicines Preventing ‘Cardiovascular-Complications during COVID-19-Infection’ ImprovedPathological-Research-Scientific-Information-Technology-Communication-Wildlife-Global-Health-Nursing-Toxicology”.
Conflict Of Interest
The authors express no economical conflicts of interest here and the manuscript is written by the author itself.
I am thankful to the eminent educationist Sri Tapaprakash Bhattacharya for inspiration and guidance. I express my deep gratitude to Mr. Rakesh Khan, M.A., B.Ed., (Gold Medalist), Secretary, and Mr. Subhendu Bose, President with all Young Green-Members of the ?International NGO named Burdwan Green Haunter and Students‘ Goal? for arranging several awareness programmed on COVID-19 with ?Health Care, Biomedicines, Nutritious Food, Vaccination, Agriculture, Biodiversity Conservation and Enriching Science and Technology Communication Economy Application Issues?. Last but not the least; I am thankful to the eminent Senior Consultant Physician, Dr. Ranjan Mukherjee, M.B.B.S., M.D., District Coordinator, and Dr. Dipanitwa Malik, M.B.B.S. of Sishu Sathi Scheme at Department of Health and Family Welfare, India for inspiration and guidance.
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