Hydranencephaly: A Case Report and Literature Review
Sellouti M, Ayad A, Abilkassem R and Agadr AO
Published on: 2023-09-30
Hydranencephaly is a rare and fatal anomaly of central nervous system characterized by replacement of the cerebral hemi spheres by a large cerebrospinal fluid pool. The etiologichy potheses are numerous but hydranencephaly is usually found to develop secondarily to the occlusion of bilateral internal carotidarteries in the fetal life mainly during the second trimester due to a variety of causes. It is characterized by destruction of the cerebral hemi spheres with transformation into a membranous sac containing cerebrospinal fluid and the remnants of cortex and white matter. We report this case of hydranencephaly in a male neonate. Hydranencephaly was confirmed by brain sonography, brain magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angio graphypostnatally. Therapeutic and ethical problems are discussed.