Medical Science is Inadequate

Hague A

Published on: 2024-03-25


Science is based on facts that can be measured. What cannot be measured is ignored. Medically, only illness caused by germs that are inspected under a microscope are measured. The causes of accidents, attacks and chronic disease cannot be measured because they are problems of the mind so that cures are not produced. However, the mind can be tracked and the cause and effect of emotions monitored to eliminate problems. The process is explained with reference to the Sapiens Shield plan based on corrections using CellSonic, a proven and safe method of biophysics. These innovations were devised by the author.


Science; Injury; Attack; Germs; Chronic; Mind; Emotion; War; Killing; Intuitive; Sapiens shield; CellSonic


Doctors must feel that their efforts are in vain. Whatever they do, people are forever getting injured and ill. The reason is that doctors do nothing to keep people safe with the exception of stemming infections where the deployment of drugs has brought benefits. The skilled biochemists of pharmaceutical companies have fought a battle with germs and seem to be winning. In other areas, there are few improvements and that is because science does not deal with the faults.

Science only uses facts that can be measured such as weight, length, time and temperature. Behavior controlled by thoughts can only be measured when recording what masses of people do as we see with statistics of buying patterns. What makes a person forget or ignore is not measurable and therefore passed into the realm of anecdote as though it is meaningless. Forgetting to tighten a screw which leads to a crash is not meaningless and forgetting to stop at a red light can be catastrophic. Science is as helpless now as it was before the world was found to be round. Only by recognizing the gaps in knowledge can we hope to reduce the doctors’ workload. What is the ideal world? One in which doctors are not needed.

The two problems of injury and illness can each be seen as two problems. Injuries come from what are called accidents and also from attacks. If the word accident means accidental with no fault, that is nonsense. Everything has a cause which can be identified so that it is avoided or prevented. An attack from another person is because that person is deranged and unable to negotiate. That failure has to be resolved and can be by understanding the mind. Illnesses are from infections and stress. Infectious germs can be killed with drugs and often cause side effects. Stress can only be resolved by conversation, never drugs, and is where science is useless because nothing can be measured. There is no such thing as luck and bad luck. The danger is either a natural phenomenon or caused by humans. The human has to be aware that the volcano can erupt and the machine that failed was made by humans. Problems are human responsibilities.


If the boat hits an iceberg, don’t blame the iceberg. When a door falls off a plane, it is not an accident. Someone did not do their job properly and whatever their excuse may be, it is their fault. The police are useless at crime and accident prevention. Their lazy approach is behind the lack of progress improving safety.

An encounter with nature has to be managed. Nature follows a pattern. Mountaineers know what to expect. If a sudden storm overtakes them, they should be prepared and not blame the storm. To be attacked by a lion on the savannah is normal, not an accident. Living on a volcano because the soil is rich carries with it the risk of being submerged in lava. The ruins of Pompeii are an example of what can be avoided.

Risk taking is fun when the danger is avoided. Watch motor racing and see that the winner is the one who is most prepared to die. The sensible ones are more cautious and the really sensible ones do not participate. The race organisers exploit fools. As a species, we still enjoy gladiators.

How can doctors prevent accidents? What was learned at medical school is useless. They were only taught biochemistry. Prevention needs psychology and economic incentives. When fitting the plane door, do not reward the fitter for doing it quickly. Pay them for doing it better and pay the inspectors for checking. Get designers to think of fail-safe designs. If it fails, it just stops, harmlessly. Psychology has to investigate the fun of narrowly avoiding injury and the enjoyment in seeing others suffer. Why are boxing matches allowed? Doctors do not prevent injury; they tidy up the mess.


War is invariably promoted by one person involving a group who see benefits in killing and exploitation. An individual attacker does not care about others. The majority of people like other people and prefer to live in peace. Those who want to harm are a minority. They were not born that way. Violence is not genetic. Their lack of empathy comes from not realizing that others are like them so it is easy for them to kill, as easy as it is to swat a fly. Unsocialized people grew up in a dysfunctional family that was itself the product of unsocialised parents. The problem can go back generations. Unravelling that string of bad relationships is very difficult but is the only way to stop crime and its further extension to war.

Is it true that no democratic country has waged war without provocation on another country? If this is true, the wishes of the majority are for peace but when threatened, they will defend themselves. Dictators care nothing for others. They are motivated by their ego and love of power. Given that their survival depends on being surrounded by body guards and having no personal freedom, the benefits are minimal but they think they are above normal and often claim to be acting on behalf of gods.

Doctors are unable to contain the dictators and some will attend the war mongers enabling the killing to continue. Being an accessory to the crime is criminal. There are doctors who have become mercenaries who, like their clients, are only thinking of the money. That is not what they were taught at medical school.


Since Homo Sapiens evolved 80,000 years ago, we have devised cures for illness by using plants. Agriculture increased the food supply and reduced the danger of hunting allowing the population to increase. The original ecological balance between the species and its environment was disturbed and climate change began but not dramatically. Excess gases were absorbed by the oceans. Nevertheless, it was a continuous process of controlling nature. What began between the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers demonstrated advantages that were eventually replicated worldwide.

Industrialisation caused the human population explosion. Nature was becoming controllable. Vesuvius’ devastation was a lesson learned. Plagues were avoided, not conquered, and people harnessed to leaders’ ambitions of power. Medically, a significant shift was made by Rockefeller lobbying against herbal medicine in favour of pharmaceuticals made in laboratories. These manufactured medicines were claimed to save lives which they did but statistics showed that the population growth was as much if not more from better sanitation and clean water as drugs preventing death.

The covid-19 pandemic has damaged the reputation of pharmaceuticals and doctors. People see themselves and neighbours injured by vaccines. The virus caused deaths mainly amongst those who were already frail. Healthy people survived and gained immunity. Later versions of covid vaccines are now blamed for surges of illness for which there is no precedent or easy cure. The public’s trust has shattered.


Say or write something and you may offend. That insult can fester creating depression that grows into fear, a condition in which the immune system fails. It is not a germ; it is the mind harbouring thoughts. The mind controls the body’s cell voltage. When the voltage falls, a cell replicates profusely and that is the behaviour of cancer which multiplies rapidly and spreads.

The stress caused by words is severe when it is caused within a relationship from which a person feels they cannot escape. The result is not just cancer. It can be any chronic ailment; arthritis, diabetes, persistent pain and so on all stem from something the immune system should correct but did not. The insults are the cause and the trap is the relationship. Doctors hardly ever interfere in family affairs. Nowadays, with remote doctoring and layers of legal protection for doctors, they hardly know the patient for whom they are caring. Doctors only have drugs to prescribe and the protocol is scripted on line. Deviation from the rules brings the doctor’s career to an end. Chronic disease is as its descriptions states, it is chronic and goes on until death. That is because the medical profession is dominated by biochemistry that refuses to acknowledge biophysics which can cure the chronic diseases.

Germs can be seen under a microscope. This is the domain of scientists. They take measurements. The germs can be poisoned and their reactions observed. When there are no germs, a microscope offers nothing but still the scientists will be looking. Ask a cancer researcher what they are doing and they are searching for the vulnerable part of a cancer cell at which a poison can be aimed. That is the idea of chemotherapy, to kill the cells. Unfortunately, it kills more than the cancer and the side effects are horrendous. The success rate of chemotherapy is 2% and yet it is the legally recommended treatment. That should make someone think.


With science limited to measuring and calculations, humanity has seen little benefit from these skills in the last two centuries. Wars are started by an idiot, always a man, who is joined by more idiots who kill until they are exhausted. The negotiations when it is all over amount to nothing more than hope that it will never happen again. Depending on hope is the same level of certainty that the caveman had when he went foraging 80,000 years ago.

The last two centuries have seen amazing investments in machines for killing and there is great confidence that humanity can now be exterminated. From flying heavier than air machines, people are now spending enormous sums of money to go beyond earth’s gravity and atmosphere where life is impossible. This is ridiculous, has no benefit for people and is only a childhood fantasy exploiting politicians’ egos.

The science of biochemistry has gone beyond killing bacteria and viruses to fertilising plant growth. This does help humanity but not when the fertilisers are reducing nutrients in plants for humans and animals to eat. What started as crop rotation has become a necessary technique to support a population that is out of balance with its natural environment. All creatures have competitors. Mosquitos evolved into a niche and helped to maintain a balance; they kept human populations under control. The brain of homo sapiens found ways to outwit other species and has now endangered itself by causing the climate to change leading to expected catastrophes. Meanwhile, chronic disease remains chronic and pharmaceutical companies selling products with unfulfilled promises are raking in fortunes that are taxed to pay for weapons and space exploration. Billions of poor people are to be forever poor.

Seen from heaven, homo sapiens is not one of the successful creatures. It is harming itself and everything around. The problem is the brain, an organ capable of thinking beyond the ability of all other creatures providing it thinks usefully. Unfortunately, much thinking aims in an unhealthy direction and where it deals with unmeasurable subjects, the lauded members of society, the scientists, decry the findings. Scientists with all their limitations have achieved notoriety by making machines and the spectacular damage they inflict confirms the power and skill of science.

All the computers and telecommunications are nothing more than faster, widespread paper and ink. It is the ideas that are conveyed that make the difference, not the media, and the ideas today about humanity and politics have hardly progressed since Karl Mark and Adam Smith were writing.

What is missing

It’s all in the mind. Thoughts that cannot be measured. These intangibles which are the basis of all decision making are the realm of psychologists who, today, have fallen under the spell of biochemists and prescribe drugs to switch off parts of the brain in order to control depression and worse. That major decisions are seldom based on facts is alarming because humans pride themselves on being logical. Marriage is an economic relationship like a merger of companies. Even where there are arranged marriages, some affection is expected between the partners. Love is spoken and sung about but never measured and yet it is the start of good and bad.

Good is a couple who produce children in a home where they all love each other. The children will grow up with ideals and skills and replicate the benefits they had enjoyed. Bad is a relationship of rows, arguments and violence in which children learn that violence is acceptable. Here is where crime begins. Power goes to the strong and ruthless. Combined with intelligence and a charismatic personality, we get a gang leader able to cause mayhem.

Can These Relationships Be Corrected

First they have to be found and then begins the unravelling of conflict. Finding the dysfunctional families happens through Sapiens Shield. Repairing their miss-match begins with Grannie, the intuitive. It is not a quick fix but is the only way. Police and prisons are useless. Society wants revenge and assurance that the perpetrator is not free but there is nothing in the legal process to prevent the same happening again. Apart from not having a death penalty in many countries, the way that society handles crime has not changed ever. Maybe a small tribe governed by the village elders had ways of stopping the antics before they escalated but as that tribe merged with neighbours to form a bigger community, a bureaucratic system took over with no flexibility for individual cases. When we want to see where things go wrong, look at the teenagers and those in their twenties. Are they finding compatibility or starting a war of words leading to violence?

What Does Sapiens Shield Do

Chronic disease including cancer can start ten or 15 years before a person knows they have it. Finding it before the person is aware and stopping it will prevent it developing. CellSonic VIPP stops chronic disease during the treatment. This is working in clinics around the world. The diagnosis is done before and after the treatment. The medical establishment using biochemistry is unable to achieve the same quick and safe results that have no side effects. CellSonic is biophysics applying light, pressure and electrical field. In many cases, it is the electrical field that is essential. Cancer is an electrical fault, not chemical, which is why drugs have no effect. Checking and diagnosing a patient takes 20 minutes if they are presented one after the other in a queue. At that rate of treating three an hour, 8,000 can be checked and treated in six months. The Sapiens Shield plan is for everyone to be checked and then any chronic disease they have can be stopped and not left to grow. Simply, cancer is stopped worldwide forever.

A person is checked and some parts may be found to be wrong. The CellSonic machine treats the places indicated in the diagnosis and within one or two minutes, seldom longer, the check will show clear and they are handed a card to take with them to the next room where interesting observations are made. There they meet an intuitive, we call her Grannie, maybe an old lady and she will have the ability to discern a person’s thoughts. She smiles and is not interrogating. Her demeanour is friendly and her visitor will talk, unveiling fears and frustrations. Grannie can see from the card that this person is from a dysfunctional family. The person needs help and does not know what to do. Grannie listens. It may take an hour or more to spill out. No accusations or criticism are made. The suffering person has found a trusted friend. Society has to help before conditions get worse just as CellSonic has stopped the disease growing and developing in the body.

Thoughts are being read, not measured. This is a science not yet understood by those who can only measure. The intuitive Grannie is sensing a telepathic communication that not everyone can sense and is nevertheless a fact. Using such skills, troubles can be stopped before they get worse. Modern society has to do it. Letting it get worse until violence erupts is not a cure. It is bad government and does nothing to prevent that troubled family producing more delinquents. By stopping cancer forever, the costs savings are enormous, about a quarter of the total spent in a country on healthcare. Expenditure is measurable even though the suffering is a collection of horror stories. The ego driven politicians will grasp the benefits of Sapiens Shield before the science of telepathy is explained if it ever can be.

Better Thinking

Accept the obvious. Miracles do not exist but the word miracle is often used by patients who have been neglected by the medical establishment and cured in minutes or a few days by CellSonic. This is well documented and need not be repeated here. The salient point of this article is to show that by thinking carefully, improvements are possible. They do not fit the parameters sought by scientists because science is inadequate but they are still valid cures using a fundamental force of biophysics. The body is electric and can be only corrected by electricity. Holding the higher voltage is done by the mind and its thoughts, the software in the brain’s hardware, are the key to a person’s health. If their emotions swing back to depression, voltage falls and profuse cell replication (cancer) recommences. Maintaining a positive outlook is essential.

We are surrounded by beauty. See it. Listen to it. Music is part of humanity. If yesterday was bad, it has gone. Think of tomorrow. The person who was nasty, get away from them. There are many, much nicer people who want to be your friend. Everyone has something they are good at. Do it. You will be appreciated. Do not be pressured by the education system. It is all about memorising. All students are told they should do better. By the age of 12 in an industrialised country, a child has learned what they need to survive: reading, writing and sums. Passing exams is a cause for stress. For many, it is where they part company and rebel. Not everyone has a memory for passing exams. We need steady members of society who can work every day and smile. They are not failures as their teacher told them they would be, they are valuable.

A minority of people will cajole and manage, skills that can make them rich. Do not exploit. Luxury is fun and bad for the health. Physical exertion is needed and with a healthy body and mind your leadership skills will keep you and all around you safe. All business is about managing people who all have emotions and thoughts. This is where intuition is applied, not rigorous rules. Compassion leads to loyalty and rewards. Good conquers bad. Let Sapiens Shield run from now on and sour relationships will evaporate. The cause of chronic disease and violence will cease and steadily everyone will benefit. The weapons manufacturers and space explorers will lose money that is diverted to improving everyone’s lives. Smile at everyone. Talk to strangers. Ask questions and listen. This is the real world, not a paragraph in an academic paper, someone who has experience and an opinion.

Were You Affected By Covid

“Nah! I keep myself fit but the lock down was bad. Worse thing was them injections. My granddaughter got cancer after an injection. Killed my little girl, they did. She was only nineteen. Never been ill before. Doctor said it was a rare case. Damn fool! I’ve heard of many more.”


We have the means to stop chronic disease and theoretically make doctors redundant. We shall always need them but in fewer numbers. Aiming for an ideal world is what our agile brain can do and do it without killing. Thus far, violence has been used to shape society leaving poverty everywhere, even in so-called rich countries. Better thinking by taking thoughtful science into areas it has so far failed to understand is the next step in human development. CellSonic is the tool and Sapiens Shield is the plan. I have developed it and it is already in use.