Volume - 1, Issue - 2
Research article
Management of Patients with Raised Ca-19.9 in a Tertiary Institution
Tang MH, Shelat V, unnarkar S, Low JK, Woon W, Goy S, Tan RA and Hawkins R
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2019, 1: 2
Case Report
Diagnosis and Management of a Sphenoid Sinus Fungus Ball
Tbini M, Jaafoura H, Chebil E, Riahi I, Lahiani R and Bensalah M
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2019, 1: 2
Case Report
A Rare Case of First Branchial Cyst
Tasneem A, Reddy LS and Karuna N
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2019, 1: 2
Research article
Diagnostic Accuracy of Blood Pressure to Height Ratio in Cameroonian Children and Adolescents
David C, Nathan Y, Beckly S, Kessel F, Marcel AK, Urielle W and Georges NT
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2019, 1: 2
Case Report
Megacystis Micro-Colon Hypo Peristalsis Syndrome: A Rare Disease Case Report
Urooj H, Anwar A, Jan K and Maria A
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2019, 1: 2