Volume - 2, Issue - 1
Research article
Outcome of Laser Treatment for Minor Anorectal Conditions Including Fistula in Ano, Haemorrhoids and Pilonidal Sinus. A Jersey, Prospects
Aleem M
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2020, 2: 1
Research article
Biochemical Endothelial Injury and Platelets Activation Detection in Endovenous Laser Ablation of Varicose Veins
Fakhry MA, Elrahman MA and Nagib S
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2020, 2: 1
Research article
The Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon versus the Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon: Perspective
Abdulrauf Badr MD and FRCSC
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2020, 2: 1
Research article
Synchronous and Metachronous Breast Cancer: A More Recognized Entity
Abdel Hadi M, Al Kussaibi H, Al Nemer A, Al Muhanna A, Iftikhar M, Al Qurashi M and Al Zuhair A
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2020, 2: 1
Research article
Restructuring Surgical Services in a Pandemic; Perspectives from a District General Hospital
Babu BH and Satchidanand RY
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2020, 2: 1