Volume - 2, Issue - 2
Research article
Echocardiographic Assessment of Right Ventricular Function in Hemodialysis Patients
Ahmed NF and Elsebaiey MF
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2020, 2: 2
Research article
Laparoscopic Non Anatomical Hepatectomy - A Single Center Experience
Reddy EV, Shroff G, Reddy VB, Reddy KD and Musham R
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2020, 2: 2
Case Report
A Hidden Empyema Thoracis
Hafzan AKS, Zainira WZW, Nizam MHM and Andee DZ
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2020, 2: 2
Case Report
Case Report of Some Rare Types of Rectal Foreign Bodies
Mushtaq SM
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2020, 2: 2
Case Report
Orbital Necrobiotic Xanthogranuloma: Controversial Entity and Trans-Eyebrow Approach
El-Belhadji M
Medicine: Int J Surg Clin Pract 2020, 2: 2