About Journal

International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medical Diagnosis (IJVSMD) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal publishing original research contributions and advances in the field of Veterinary Science and Medical Diagnosis. Covering all broad research areas, our journal aims to promote information in veterinary science and medical diagnosis and enhance standards of scientific literacy among peers. It also serves as a platform to promote meetings and news relating to Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis and its related research. Pubtexto International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medical Diagnosis Education helps students, researchers, clinicians, medical practitioners, and other healthcare professionals find up-to-date information about on-going research in the field of Veterinary Science and Medical Diagnosis. IJVSMD welcomes your efforts in the form of research, review papers, short communications, editorials, commentary, or any other type of article relating to all aspects of veterinary science and medical diagnosis.

Area: Veterinary Science and Medical Diagnosis

Frequency: Quarterly

Language: English

Review Process: Double blinded peer review process

Publication Timeline: 15 Days peer review process

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Plagiarism Policy

The articles submitted by authors must contain a minimum of 80% unique content (Which should be unique and must not copy from any other web sites). The authors must maintain 100% uniqueness in the Results and conclusion part of the text. We will resend the articles, which have below 80% uniqueness to the authors for revision and asked for resubmissions with uniqueness (as per guidelines).

We provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Pubtexto publications and help readers to connect with potential collaborators and correspondents with a platform to publish their research work and update the recent advances. Kindly submit your manuscript Kindly submit your manuscript as an email attachment as an attachment through email: christianoeditor@gmail.com or through online

Benefits to authors

We provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, and social media optimization which improve citations and help readers to connect with potential collaborators and correspondents with a platform to publish their research work and update the recent advances.

Aim and Scope

International Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal and the editorial office. Our journal promises a peer review process for submitted manuscripts and ensures quality in publishing. The following classifications and topics related to them will be considered for publication in the International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medical Diagnosis, but not limited to the following fields:

Veterinary science

Animal Genetics

 Medical diagnosis

Animal Husbandry

 Animal health

Animal Microbiology

 Veterinary medicine

Animal Nutrition

 Animal diseases

Animal Welfare

 Veterinary pathology

 Animal Care

 Veterinary microbiology

 Animal Welfare

 Animal nutrition

 Wildlife Medicine

 Veterinary surgery

 Livestock Health

 Zoonotic diseases

 Veterinary Radiology

 Veterinary pharmacology

Veterinary Oncology.

 Veterinary epidemiology

 Comparative Medicine

 Veterinary parasitology

 One Health

 Veterinary immunology


 Veterinary virology

 Infectious Diseases

 Animal behavior


 Veterinary genetics

 Animal Genetics

 Veterinary toxicology

Veterinary Microbiology.

 Veterinary public health

 Animal Anatomy

Veterinary education

 Animal Physiology

Treatment of Veterinary Diseases


Veterinary Clinical Sciences


Veterinary Immunization


Veterinary Medicine


Veterinary Oncology


Veterinary Pathology


Veterinary Pharmacology


Veterinary Physiology

 Reproductive Health

Animal Breeding

Wildlife Health.

Animal Diagnosis


Animal Ethics


Current Issue

Research article
Maternally Derived Antibodies: An Overview of Their Role in Infectious Bursal Disease of Chickens
Maternally Derived Antibodies: An Overview of Their Role in Infectious Bursal Disease of Chickens
Orakpoghenor O, Markus TP, Abdu PA, Woziri OA and Andamin AD

Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2023, 4: 1

Research article
Case Report
Research article
Effect of Interplanetary Magnetic Field on Light Trapped Caddisfly (Trichoptera) Species
Effect of Interplanetary Magnetic Field on Light Trapped Caddisfly (Trichoptera) Species
Nowinszky L, Kiss O, Puskas J, Kiss M, Hill L and Szentkiráyi F

Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2023, 4: 1

Research article
Prototype Body Coat Color of Azikheli Buffalo in Swat KPK, Pakistan
Prototype Body Coat Color of Azikheli Buffalo in Swat KPK, Pakistan
Khan M, Saleem M, Farman U, Ahmad S, Babar A, Khan SU, Qadir A, Ahmed M, Hussain MA and Salim M

Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2023, 4: 2

Review article
Research article
Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Bacteria Isolated from Poultry Birds within Anyigba, Kogi State
Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Bacteria Isolated from Poultry Birds within Anyigba, Kogi State
Akoh PO, Zakari DA, Bello KE, Roseline AO, Raji RO, Olorunmowaju AI and Danjuma SY

Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2023, 4: 2

Research article
Skin Incisions Closure with N-Butyl Cyanoacrylate and Nylon Sutures in Sahel Bucks
Skin Incisions Closure with N-Butyl Cyanoacrylate and Nylon Sutures in Sahel Bucks
Mutah AA, Mana HP, Yoksa DT, Haruna AA, Laku D and Bokko PB

Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2023, 4: 3

Review article
Review article
Research article
Identification of Rabies Hotspots and Risk Zones in South and Central Kerala (India)
Identification of Rabies Hotspots and Risk Zones in South and Central Kerala (India)
Antony MU, Abraham SS and Jiji RS

Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2024, 5: 1

Research article
The Reproductive Implementation of Azakheli Buffalo Breed Inference of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Swat Pakistan
The Reproductive Implementation of Azakheli Buffalo Breed Inference of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Swat Pakistan
Khan M, Saleem M, Ullah F, Qadir A, Ahmad S, Khan SU and Salim M

Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2024, 5: 1

Review article
An Overview of Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Equines in Ethiopia
An Overview of Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Equines in Ethiopia
Girma W, Terfa W and Negasa T

Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2024, 5: 1

Review article
An Overview of Syngamus Trachea of Poultry in Ethiopia
An Overview of Syngamus Trachea of Poultry in Ethiopia
Girma W, Rebuma T and Negasa T

Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2024, 5: 1

Research article
Effectiveness of Coconut Oil Administration on Immunoglobulin E (Ige) Levels in Dogs with Atopic Dermatitis
Effectiveness of Coconut Oil Administration on Immunoglobulin E (Ige) Levels in Dogs with Atopic Dermatitis
Fiorell C, Jayanti PD, Dwinata IM, Sudimartini LM and Suartha IN

Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2024, 5: 2

Review article
Review on Disease Ecology
Review on Disease Ecology
Regassa T and Rebuma T

Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2024, 5: 2

Research article
Oxidative Stress in Tilapia guineensis Exposed to Glyphosate   in the Laboratory
Oxidative Stress in Tilapia guineensis Exposed to Glyphosate in the Laboratory
Okenwa U, Eze BU, Nwosu P and Ogolo C

Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2024, 5: 3

Research article

Journal Spotlight

  •   Treatment of Veterinary Diseases
  •   Veterinary Clinical Sciences
  •   Veterinary Immunization
  •   Veterinary Medicine
  •   Veterinary Oncology
  •   Veterinary Pathology
  •   Veterinary Pharmacology
  •   Veterinary Physiology
  •   Veterinary Technology
  •   Veterinary Virology
  •   Animal Breeding
  •   Animal Diagnosis
  •   Animal Ethics
  •   Animal Genetics
  •   Animal Husbandry
  •   Animal Microbiology
  •   Animal Nutrition
  •   Animal Welfare
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