Effect of Interplanetary Magnetic Field on Light Trapped Caddisfly (Trichoptera) Species
Nowinszky L, Kiss O, Puskas J, Kiss M, Hill L and Szentkiráyi F
Published on: 2023-09-29
In present work were investigated the possible relationship between changes in the interplanetary magnetic field sectors and light trapping of 29 caddisfly (Trichoptera) species, using collection data of Hungarian researchers. Most of the species captured along both the mountain streams and rivers were caught in the light-traps in greater numbers in the case of Inward polarity "-" than in the case of Outward polarity "+". The sector boundaries, -/+ and +/- they occur less often, so it is difficult to establish a real result about them due to the lack of data in such cases.
The fact that caddisflies fly en masse to artificial light and are extremely sensitive to environmental influences made it possible to prove that the interplanetary magnetic field affects the flight activity of these insects.