Preliminary Major Health Problems and Associated Risk Factors of Calves’ Mortality in Selected Districts of Ilubabor and Jimma Zones, Ethiopia

Amenta MW, Hunde DG and Mohamed MI

Published on: 2023-12-18


Introduction: Even though there are good beginnings of initiatives on calves to improve the blood level of local breeds in Ethiopia through artificial insemination, health problems and calf mortality are becoming a bottleneck on livestock production and the livelihood of poor farmers. The aim of the study was to identify preliminary major health problems and associated risk factors for calves’ mortality. A cross-sectional study was conducted on calves from February 2023 to June 2023. Binary outcome logistic regression data analysis was used to summarize using Stata software version 13. The cluster random sampling technique was used to accomplish the study.

Result: A total of 218 farmers and farm owners were interviewed, and fecal samples, ectoparasites, and skin lesions were collected from 389 calves. The gastrointestinal parasite infection was significantly related to body condition, age, and breeds of calves (P<0.05). The ectoparasite infestation was significantly related to districts, body condition, age, and breeds of calves (p<0.05). The variation of ring worm prevalence among risk factors (ages, breeds, and farms) was statistically significant (p<0.05). There was a significant difference in morbidity rate and crude mortality rate between zones, breeds, weaning ages, and farm production systems (p<0.05).

Conclusion: In the study areas, gastrointestinal parasites, ectoparasites, and ring worms were major health problems for calves and responsible for the high morbidity rate and crude mortality rate. Therefore, awareness of disease prevention and husbandry practices should be raised. Also, the Agricultural Bureau and all stakeholders should work cooperatively to reduce the morbidity and mortality of calves.