The Reproductive Implementation of Azakheli Buffalo Breed Inference of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Swat Pakistan

Khan M, Saleem M, Ullah F, Qadir A, Ahmad S, Khan SU and Salim M

Published on: 2024-04-01


The current research was conducted to interpret the reproductive characteristics of the Azikheli buffalo in the home tract of the breed Swat Valley, Pakistan. The mean pubertal age of Azikheli buffalos recorded was 1147.93±13.05 days, and the highest percentage of buffalos (44.89%; n = 202) was observed in pubertal age ranging from 811-1081 days with a mean pubertal age of 1048.81±4.87 days. The mean postpartum estrus interval in Azikheli buffalo observed was 147.56±5.64 days. A highly significant (b = -0.026±0.0044; F (1, 2) = 30.59; p = 0.03) reduction in the mean postpartum anestrus interval was observed as parity increased from first to fourth. Similarly significant (b = - 9.143±1.87; F (1, 2) = 23.77; P = 0.0396) effect of season on postpartum anestrus interval was also observed, with the longest postpartum anestrus interval in the autumn season and the shortest in the summer season. The percentage of Azikheli buffalo conceived after the first service was 64.33 percent. The mean calving interval observed in Azikheli buffalos was 489.16±5.82 days. A highly significant (b = -0.021±0.001; F (1, 2) =213.09; P = 0.004) reduction in mean calving interval was noted as the parity number advanced from first to fourth. The effect of season on the calving interval was statistically not significant. The mean dry period observed was 119.47 ± 2.58 days. A highly significant (b = -0.049±0.0100; F (1, 2) = 24.56; P = 0.03) reduction in mean dry period was observed as parity increased from first to fourth. However, no significant effect of season on the dry period was observed (P > 0.05). The calf sex ratio observed in Azikheli buffalo was 100: 89 . There was no significant effect of parity on the calf-sex ratio. Season significantly (χ2 (1) = 3.985; P = 0.045) affects the calf sex ratio, with more male births in the autumn compared to the spring season. The mean birth weight of male calf observed in this study was 33.42±0.67 kg. Male birth weight in parity second was significantly higher than in first parity (t (33) = 2.26511; P = 0.03) and third parity (t (32) = 3.2725; P = 0.002). No significant (F (3, 46) =0.285456; P = 0.83) differences in male birth weight were found in calves born in different seasons of the year. The mean birth weight of a female calf was 29.67±0.75 kg. No significant effect of parity (F (2, 46) =2.54; P = 0.08) and season (F (3, 45) =0.234732; P = 0.87) was observed on female calf birth weight. Male calves were significantly (t (97) =3.71; P = 0.0003) heavier than female calves at birth. The current study illuminated the basic reproductive physical characteristics of the local Azikheli buffalo in their home tract.