Abattoir and Bovine Tuberculosis as A Reemerging Foodborne Disease

Shaltout FA

Published on: 2023-12-28


An abattoir is the place in which animals are slaughtered for human consumption. Abattoir plays an important role in the prevention of zoonotic diseases between animals and humans, like Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a reemerging foodborne disease, and also in preventing infectious diseases between animals. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is caused by a species of pathogenic bacteria in the family Mycobacteriaceae. The causative agent bacteria of bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease the tuberculosis bacteria have an unusual, waxy coating on its cell surface, primarily due to the presence of mycolic acid. This coating makes the cells impervious to Gram staining, and as a result, the causative agent bacteria of bovine tuberculosis, a reemerging foodborne disease, can appear weakly Gram-positive. Acid-fast stains such as Ziehl-Neelsen stain or fluorescent stains such as auramine are used instead to identify the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease with a microscope. The causative agent bacteria of bovine tuberculosis, a reemerging foodborne disease, is highly aerobic and requires high levels of oxygen. Primarily a pathogen of the mammalian respiratory system, it infects the lungs. The most frequently used diagnostic methods for bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease are the tuberculin skin examination, acid-fast stain, culture, and polymerase chain reaction.


Abattoir; Cattle; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Reemerging; Foodborne diseases


Bovine tuberculosis, a reemerging foodborne disease, is still one of the most neglected foodborne zoonotic diseases in the world, particularly in developing countries [1-4]. Bovine tuberculosis, a reemerging foodborne disease, would still be important in many places. Thus, this zoonosis deserves further research and efforts to establish the real burden of disease in cattle and the role of abattoirs as well as in humans. Developing strategies of interaction between academia and the health care public sector, including medical and veterinary disciplines, would generate more accurate data [5-8] Even more, as human tuberculosis due to Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease is still a public health concern internationally, in developing countries where detection is usually not  depend on molecular and specific diagnostic methods, in addition to microscopy investigation for acid-fast bacilli bacteria in  biological samples as well as culture, Bovine tuberculosis bacteria would be causing many of M. tuberculosis-attributed human disease, particularly in the case of outside lung forms of disease, even more in rural areas where both diseases can overlap and where human–cattle contact as consumption of raw milk and dairy products contaminated with Bovine tuberculosis bacteria would be considerable [9-11] . Control programs and human tuberculosis control programs, especially in those places, should consider the importance of bovine tuberculosis and begin to introduce operational research into their activities as well as surveillance to control and prevent disease from these bacteria [12-15]. Methods of identification and diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease [16, 17, 19-21].

Bovine tuberculosis clinical signs are not specifically distinctive and, therefore, do not enable veterinarians to make a definitive diagnosis based on clinical signs alone.

The tuberculin skin examination is the standard means of tuberculosis diagnosis in live cattle. It consists of injecting bovine tuberculin (a purified protein extract originated from M. bovis) intra-dermally and then measuring skin thickness at the site of injection 72 hours later to detect any subsequent swelling at the injection site.

Blood-based in vitro examinations that detect bacteria, antibodies, or cell-mediated immunity are also currently available or under development. The most common blood-based examination is a gamma interferon release assay, which detects a cell-mediated immune response to infection with M. bovis. This examination is based on the principle that bovine blood cells that have previously been exposed to M. bovis through an infection are known to produce elevated levels of gamma interferon following in vitro incubation with M. bovis antigens.

The definitive diagnosis is confirmed by bacterial culture and identification in the laboratory, a process that can take eight weeks or more. The recommended examination methods, including the procedures for manufacturing and administering bovine tuberculin.

nature of bovine tuberculosis as an emerging foodborne disease. Bovine tuberculosis, an emerging foodborne disease, is a chronic bacterial disease of cattle caused by members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, primarily by Bovine tuberculosis but also by M. caprae and, to a lesser extent, M. tuberculosis (22, 23, 24, 25, and 26). It is a major infectious disease among cattle and also affects other domesticated cattle and certain wildlife populations, causing a general state of illness, pneumonia, weight loss, and eventual death [27-31]. The name Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease comes from the nodules, called ‘tubercles’, which form in the lymph nodes and other affected tissues of affected cattle [32-35].

Cattle are considered to be the major reservoir of bovine tuberculosis, a reemerging foodborne disease, and are the main source of infection for humans. Nevertheless, the disease has been reported in many other domesticated and non-domesticated animals [36-39].

Geographical distribution of bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease. Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease is found throughout the world [40-43], but some countries have never detected tuberculosis, and many developed countries have reduced or eliminated bovine tuberculosis from their cattle populations and kept the disease limited to certain areas [44-48]. However, significant zones of infection remain in wildlife. The highest prevalence of bovine tuberculosis is in Africa and parts of Asia; the disease also affects countries in Europe and the Americas [49-56].

The most prominent Clinical signs of bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease in cattle may be sub-acute or chronic, with a variable rate of progression [57-62]. A small number of cattle may become severely affected within a few months of infection, while others may take several years to develop symptoms. Bovine tuberculosis bacteria can also lie dormant in the host without causing symptoms for a long time [63-68]. The usual symptoms of bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease in men include weakness, loss of appetite and weight, fluctuating fever, dyspnea and cough, signs of low-grade pneumonia, diarrhea, and enlarged lymph nodes [69-72].


Mycobacterium bovis has been isolated from domestic animals such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, equines, camels, deer, antelopes, dogs, cats, and animals [73-76].

Bovine tuberculosis, an emerging foodborne disease, is an infectious disease [77-84].

Most cases of human tuberculosis are caused by the bacterial species Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bovine tuberculosis, an emerging foodborne disease, is a form of tuberculosis in humans predominantly caused by a closely related species, Bovine tuberculosis, which belongs to the M. tuberculosis complex [85-89].

Transmission and spread of bovine tuberculosis as an emerging foodborne disease. The disease is contagious and can be transmitted directly by contact with infected domestic and non-domesticated animals or indirectly by oral route [90-94].

The usual route of infection within cattle herds is by inhalation of infected aerosols, which are expelled from the lungs. Calves can be infected by ingesting colostrum or milk from infected cows [95-101].

Humans can become infected by ingesting raw milk from infected cows or through contact with infected tissues at abattoirs or butcheries [102,103]. The course of disease is slow and takes months or years to reach the fatal stage. An infected animal can shed the bacteria within the herd before showing clinical signs. Movement of subclinical infected domestic cattle is a main route for spreading the disease [104-106].

Detection of bovine tuberculosis as an emerging foodborne disease: clinical signs are not specifically distinctive and, therefore, do not enable veterinarians to make a definitive diagnosis based on clinical signs alone [107,108].

The tuberculin skin examination is the standard method for tuberculosis detection in live domestic cattle [109-112].

Blood-based in vitro examinations that detect bacteria, antibodies, or cell-mediated immunity are also currently available or under development [113-119]. The most widely used blood-based examination is a gamma interferon release assay, which detects a cell-mediated immune response to infection with bovine tuberculosis [1,120]. This examination is based on the principle that bovine blood cells that have previously been exposed to bovine tuberculosis through an infection are known to produce elevated levels of gamma interferon following in vitro incubation with bovine tuberculosis antigens [2,3]. The definitive detection is confirmed by bacterial culture and identification in the laboratory (77 and 78).

The recommended detection methods for bovine tuberculosis as an emerging foodborne disease include the procedures for manufacturing and administering bovine tuberculin (84 and 85).

Public health risk of bovine tuberculosis as an emerging foodborne disease. The most common form of tuberculosis in humans is caused by M. tuberculosis bacteria (89 and 90). However, it is not possible to clinically differentiate infections caused by M. tuberculosis bacteria from those caused by bovine tuberculosis, which is estimated to account for up to 10% of human tuberculosis cases in some countries (77 and 93). The detection of bovine tuberculosis as an emerging foodborne disease may be further complicated by the tendency of bovine tuberculosis infections to be located in tissues other than the lungs and the fact that bovine tuberculosis bacteria are naturally resistant to one of the antimicrobials that are commonly used to treat human tuberculosis (23 and 24).

The technical standards and recommendations that are intended to manage the human and animal health risks associated with infection of cattle with a member of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, including bovine tuberculosis (29 and 30).

Role of abattoir in eradication of bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease. Human tuberculosis is a major cause of illness and mortality worldwide (117, 118, and 119). It is primarily caused by bovine tuberculosis, an emerging foodborne disease, and is usually transmitted through the respiratory route by close contact and inhalation of aerosols by infected persons (35, 36). Bovine tuberculosis, a reemerging foodborne disease, is a less common form of human tuberculosis that is caused by a related member of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (Bovine tuberculosis) (41, 42). Bovine tuberculosis, a reemerging foodborne disease, is primarily transmitted indirectly through the consumption of contaminated milk, dairy products, or meat containing infected material (116, 115, and 114). In regions where food hygiene is consistently applied, the risk to the general public has been reduced (113, 112, and 111); however, bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease infection remains an occupational hazard to food of animal origin for eaters, abattoir workers, and butchers (43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48). Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease depends on a One Health approach recognizing the interdependence of human and animal health sectors for addressing the main health and economic effects of this disease (110, 109, 108, 107, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, and 54). Effective action from government agencies, donors, academia, non-governmental units, and private stakeholders through different methods such as political, financial, and investigation methods (56, 57, 58, 59, and 60). Defining the priorities for control of bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease in man and bovine tuberculosis in cattle (66, 67, and 68). By improving the scientific evidence base, reducing transmission between cattle and humans, supporting cooperation between sectors, and preventing and controlling bovine tuberculosis as an emerging foodborne disease (100, 101, 102, and 103), The national control and eradication system based on examination and slaughter of infected cattle at abattoirs under hygienic precautions is successfully used to control and eradicate bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne disease (74 and 75). This method remains inapplicable in some heavily infected countries because it could necessitate slaughtering large numbers of cattle, and this may not be suitable due to the fact that human resources are limited (16, 17, and 18). So, most countries apply varying forms of examination and segregation in the early stages and then switch to examine-and-slaughter methods in the final stage (78, 79, and 80). Several disease eradication systems have been very successful in controlling or eradicating bovine tuberculosis as a re-emerging foodborne disease in cattle by employing a multi-faceted approach that includes post-mortem meat inspection at the abattoir for detection of infected cattle and herds for bovine tuberculosis as a re-emerging foodborne disease, intensive surveillance including on-farm visits, systematic individual examination of cattle, removal of infected and in-contact cattle, adequate local legislation, effective movement controls, individual animal identification, and effective traceability (16, 17, 18, 19). Detecting infected cattle in abattoirs prevents unsafe meat from entering the food chain and allows Veterinary Services to trace back to the herd of origin of the infected animal, which can then be examined and eliminated if needed (9, 8, 7, 6, and 5).

Pasteurization or heat treatment of cow's milk to a temperature sufficient to kill the bacteria has proven effective for preventing the spread of disease to humans (24, 25, 26, and 27).

Antimicrobial treatment of infected cattle is rarely attempted because of the doses and duration of treatment that would be required, the high cost of medications, interference with the primary goal of eliminating the disease, and the potential risk of developing resistance (28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34).


Vaccination is practiced in human medicine, but it is, so far, not used as a preventive measure in cattle due to the lack of availability of safe and effective methods of vaccination and potential interference with bovine tuberculosis surveillance and examinations due to false reactions in vaccinated cattle. Researchers and studies are actively investigating potential new or improved bovine tuberculosis vaccines and alternate routes of vaccine delivery for use in cattle and wildlife reservoirs, as well as new examinations to reliably differentiate vaccinated cattle from infected cattle.


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