Volume - 3, Issue - 1
Research article
Use Of Quantum Dots-conjugated Newcastle Disease Virus for Tracking and Assessment of Neutralization Efficacy in vivo
Samivel R, Raja R, Subramanian U and Gopal DR
Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2022, 3: 1
Research article
Interleukin-7 (IL-7) Priming Improves Immune Responses of Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine in Guinea Pigs
John L, Nagaraj V, Singaram B, Vijayapillai U, Joyappa DH, Chuliparambil S and Reddy GR
Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2022, 3: 1
Research article
Prevalence of Trypanosome Infection in Three Cattle Breeds and Effect on Cattle Anaemia in the Dodeo Cattle Rearing Area of Cameroon
Oumarou F, Flobert N, Gustave S, Irma KNG, Steve S, Louis B and Anne G
Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2022, 3: 1
Research article
Sero Detection of Avian Mycoplasma in Mixed Species of Domesticated Birds in Jos North Central Nigeria
Fagbamila IO, Ikpa LT, Ahmed J and Kwaga JKP
Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2022, 3: 1
Short Review
Bovine Trypanosomosis: Ethiopian Perspective
Tolawak D and Pal M
Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2022, 3: 1