Volume - 4, Issue - 1
Research article
Maternally Derived Antibodies: An Overview of Their Role in Infectious Bursal Disease of Chickens
Orakpoghenor O, Markus TP, Abdu PA, Woziri OA and Andamin AD
Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2023, 4: 1
Research article
Occurrence of Coccidiosis on Young Calves Less Than One Year in Sekachekorsa District, Jimma Zone Southern Ethiopia
Zakir SA, Abdo SJ and Muhidin MM
Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2023, 4: 1
Research article
The Neuroendocrine Mechanisms Analysis of Fish Breeding Regulation Is the Main Basis of Biotech Reproduction Development
Garlov PE
Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2023, 4: 1
Case Report
Outbreak Investigation in Chicken Farms at Bishoftu and Ejere Towns, Central Ethiopia
Umer AA and Mezgebu E
Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2023, 4: 1
Research article
Effect of Interplanetary Magnetic Field on Light Trapped Caddisfly (Trichoptera) Species
Nowinszky L, Kiss O, Puskas J, Kiss M, Hill L and Szentkiráyi F
Medicine: Int J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2023, 4: 1