About Journal

Journal of Aging Science and Gerontology is a peer reviewed Open Access journal that publishes research information in the field of Geriatric Medicine and Geriatrics with a view to disseminate recent advancements for improvement of health care systems of elderly or older population across the globe. The Journal provides a platform for clinicians, surgeons, researchers and health professionals to contribute their findings and awareness among community and aims to set a forum for publication, education, and exchange of opinions in various aspects of Aging research and clinical Geriatrics in all medical and surgical subspecialties.The Journal focuses on the wide spread dissemination of recent advances in all research areas of Geriatric Medicine that includes: Gerontology, Aging Science, Biology of Aging, mechanisms of aging, Aging & Disability, Aging Associated Diseases (Parkinson, Alzheimer), Aging Demographics, Geriatric Psychiatry, Geriatric Diseases and Syndromes, Diagnostics, Treatment and Clinical Interventions in Aging.Submission and processing of the manuscripts can be done online through the Editorial Manager System which helps maintaining the quality of the peer review process and provides easy access to the authors to track the status of the manuscript, including evaluation and publication in an automated way. Subject experts under the supervision of the Editor-in-Chief review the manuscripts. Approval of at least two independent reviewers and the editor is mandatory for the acceptance of the manuscript for publication.

Area: Aging Science and Gerontology

Frequency: 4 issues per year

Language: English

Review Process: Double blinded peer review process

Publication Timeline: 15 days peer review process

Plagiarism Policy:

The articles submitted by authors must contain a minimum of 80% unique content (Which should be unique and must not copy from any other websites). The authors must maintain 100% uniqueness in the text’s results and conclusion. We will resend the articles, which have below 80% uniqueness to the authors for revision and asked for resubmissions with uniqueness (as per guidelines).

Benefits to author:

We provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Pubtexto publications and help readers to connect with potential collaborators and correspondents with a platform to publish their research work and update the recent advances.

Submit your manuscript  through online or Email ID: rubyeditor111@gmail.com

All submitted articles:

  • must be original
  • must be previously unpublished research results
  • must be experimental or theoretical
  • and will be peer-reviewed
  • may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during the review period.

Aim and Scope

The Journal provides the best platform for the researchers to share their ideas in the form of articles.The Journal scope includes Aging Research, Aging diseases, Geriatric Care Management, Old Age Psychiatry, Aging Science, Geriatric Depression Treatment, Clinical Geriatrics, Aging, Aging Effects, Aging Population, Treatment and care, Mechanism of Aging, Longevity, Psychiatry of elderly people and all the new interventions.Journal review process will be performed by proficient editors and reviewers to bring the article in the best form before the publication. All the Editorial Board Members are active at review process and take up the review to be done within the time deadline. The aim of the Journal is to publish peer reviewed quality articles and also provides the best knowledge to the community through the articles.Publishing articles in our Journal are swift and easier with the quality double blinded review process.

Submit manuscript as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial office through submission link or at email journal.jasg@gmail.com.


Gerontology is the study of aging and older adults. The science of geriatrics could be a multidisciplinary field and has evolved as longevity has improved. Researchers during this field are numerous and are trained in areas like physiology, scientific discipline, psychology, public health, and policy. Geriatrics encompasses bio gerontology, sociogerontology, psych gerontology, geoscience, sociology and environmental geriatrics.

Aging Science

Aging Science is a branch of science that involves in biology of human aging. It deals with the treatment aged connected diseases. Cognitive, psychological, social and biological aspects of aging are enclosed in aging science.


Aging is accumulation of changes during a person over time, encompassing physical, psychological, and social modification. Aging harm happens to deoxyribonucleic acid, proteins, and lipids, to cells and to organs. Diseases of maturity like inflammatory disease, pathology, cardiopathy, cancer, prehensile dementia are usually distinguished from aging. It’s characterised by the declining ability to retort to worry, enhanced physiological condition imbalance, and enhanced risk of aging-associated diseases

Mechanism of Aging

Mechanism of Aging is programmed aging attributable to one thing within an organism's management mechanisms that forces elderliness & deterioration, just like the approach genes program different life-stages like cell differentiation throughout embryological development or sexual maturation at adolescence.

Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive Impairment in older adults contains a varied potential causes, as well as medication aspect effects, metabolic and/or endocrine derangements, delirium as a result of undercurrent unhealthiest, depression and dementia. Some causes, like medication aspect effects and depression, are often reversed with treatment. Others, like Alzheimer’s sickness, cannot be reversed, however symptoms are often treated for a amount of your time.

Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic and progressive movement disorder that means that symptoms continue and worsen over time. Parkinson’s involves the malfunction and death of significant nerve cells within the brain, referred to as neurons. This malady primarily affects neurons in a district of the brain referred to as the neural structure. a number of these dying neurons manufacture Devastate, a chemical that sends messages to the a part of the brain that controls movement and coordination. As metal progresses, the number of Devastate created within the brain decreases, going away an individual unable to regulate movement ordinarily.

Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the commonest explanation for insanity. The word insanity describes a group of symptoms which will embody blackout and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language. These symptoms occur once the brain is broken by bound diseases, together with Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s named once the doctor WHO 1st delineated it could be a physical disease that affects the brain. Throughout the course of the wellness, proteins build up within the brain to create structures known as 'plaques' and 'tangles'. This results in the loss of connections between nerve cells, and eventually to the death of nerve cells and loss of brain tissue and could be a progressive disease.

Geriatric Psychiatry

Geriatric Psychiatry also called as neuropsychiatry, psychogeriatric or psychiatry of adulthood, could be a subspecialty of psychological medicine handling the study, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders in humans with old age. It emphasizes the biological and psychological aspects of traditional aging, the medicine result of acute and chronic physical health problem, and therefore the biological and psychosocial aspects of the pathology of primary medicine disturbances of older age. Geriatric psychiatrists specialise in hindrance, evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of mental and emotional disorders within the older and improvement of medicine look after healthy and sick older patients.


Dementia is a huge selection of symptoms related to a decline in memory or alternative thinking skills severe enough to cut back a personality's ability to perform everyday activities. It is not traditional aging and is characterised by multiple psychological feature deficits with memory impairments as a frequent early symptom. These psychological feature deficits embrace government functioning, language, remembering, spacial memory, verbal memory.

Hospice & Palliative care

Palliative care may be a whole-person care that relieves symptoms of a malady or disorder, whether or not it will be cured or not. Hospice may be a specific sort of palliative care, possibility for folks whose anticipation is six months or less. Hospice patients should meet Medicare’s eligibility necessities that palliative care patients don't.

  • Aging Research,
  • Aging diseases
  • Geriatric Care Management
  • Old Age Psychiatry
  • Aging Science
  • Geriatric Depression Treatment
  • Clinical Geriatrics
  • Aging Effects
  • Aging Population
  • Treatment and care
  • Mechanism of Aging
  • Longevity

Current Issue

Research article
A Descriptive Study: Does Body Image Matter Later In Life
A Descriptive Study: Does Body Image Matter Later In Life
Graves ML, Larsen K, Brannagan E and Bowers A

Biomedical: J Aging Sci Geronto 2023, 3: 1

Aging and Sleep Disturbance in Older People
Aging and Sleep Disturbance in Older People
Chalise HN

Biomedical: J Aging Sci Geronto 2024, 4: 1

Minireview Article
Review article
Quantitative Assessment of Immunological Vigor Using Peripheral Antagonist Reverse Plate Blood Cells a Brief Review
Quantitative Assessment of Immunological Vigor Using Peripheral Antagonist Reverse Plate Blood Cells a Brief Review
Hirokwa K, Utsuyama M, Yoshida-Kikuchi Y, Akpan M and Abani B

Biomedical: J Aging Sci Geronto 2024, 4: 1

Review article
Case Report
A 91-Year-Old Hypertensive Male with Simple Liver Cysts Treated By Percutaneous Aspiration
A 91-Year-Old Hypertensive Male with Simple Liver Cysts Treated By Percutaneous Aspiration
Bando H, Sakamoto K, Okada M, Iwatsuki N and Ogawa T

Biomedical: J Aging Sci Geronto 2024, 4: 2

Journal Spotlight

  •   Age-related Diseases
  •   Aging Anatomy
  •   Aging Effects
  •   Aging Population
  •   Aging Research
  •   Aging Science
  •   Aging Skin
  •   Anti-aging Study
  •   Anti-aging Diet
  •   Biology of Aging
  •   Cellular Senescence
  •   Elder Care Study
  •   Geriatrics Research
  •   Longevity Stud
  •   Dementia
  •   Diet PlanGeriatric Psychiatry
  •   Alzheimer's disease
  •   Gerontology
  •   Depression
  •   Loneliness
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