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About Journal
Journal of Aging Science and Gerontology is a peer reviewed Open Access journal that publishes research information in the field of Geriatric Medicine and Geriatrics with a view to disseminate recent advancements for improvement of health care systems of elderly or older population across the globe. The Journal provides a platform for clinicians, surgeons, researchers and health professionals to contribute their findings and awareness among community and aims to set a forum for publication, education, and exchange of opinions in various aspects of Aging research and clinical Geriatrics in all medical and surgical subspecialties.The Journal focuses on the wide spread dissemination of recent advances in all research areas of Geriatric Medicine that includes: Gerontology, Aging Science, Biology of Aging, mechanisms of aging, Aging & Disability, Aging Associated Diseases (Parkinson, Alzheimer), Aging Demographics, Geriatric Psychiatry, Geriatric Diseases and Syndromes, Diagnostics, Treatment and Clinical Interventions in Aging.Submission and processing of the manuscripts can be done online through the Editorial Manager System which helps maintaining the quality of the peer review process and provides easy access to the authors to track the status of the manuscript, including evaluation and publication in an automated way. Subject experts under the supervision of the Editor-in-Chief review the manuscripts. Approval of at least two independent reviewers and the editor is mandatory for the acceptance of the manuscript for publication.
Area: Aging Science and Gerontology
Frequency:4 issues per year
Review Process:Double blinded peer review process
Publication Timeline:15 days peer review process
Plagiarism Policy:
The articles submitted by authors must contain a minimum of 80% unique content (Which should be unique and must not copy from any other websites). The authors must maintain 100% uniqueness in the text’s results and conclusion. We will resend the articles, which have below 80% uniqueness to the authors for revision and asked for resubmissions with uniqueness (as per guidelines).
Benefits to author:
We provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Pubtexto publications and help readers to connect with potential collaborators and correspondents with a platform to publish their research work and update the recent advances.