Current Issue

Research article

Quality of Life (QOL) Of Masters’ Athletes: Toward Sports Participation in Social Activities

Takenaka Y, Bando H and Konoike S

Biomedical: J Aging Sci Geronto 2023, 3: 1

Research article

Virtual Cognitive Assessment in Older Adults: A Pilot Study on its Validity

Gonzalez Aguilar MJ and Seggiaro J

Biomedical: JASG 2023, 3: 1

Research article

A Descriptive Study: Does Body Image Matter Later In Life

Graves ML, Larsen K, Brannagan E and Bowers A

Biomedical: J Aging Sci Geronto 2023, 3: 1


Aging and Sleep Disturbance in Older People

Chalise HN

Biomedical: J Aging Sci Geronto 2024, 4: 1

Minireview Article

Teleneuropsychology: Exploring the Link between Sociodemographic Variables and Cognitive Performance in Virtual Contexts

Carrizo R and Gonzalez Aguilar MJ

Biomedical: J Aging Sci Geronto 2024, 4: 1

Review article

Quantitative Assessment of Immunological Vigor Using Peripheral Antagonist Reverse Plate Blood Cells a Brief Review

Hirokwa K, Utsuyama M, Yoshida-Kikuchi Y, Akpan M and Abani B

Biomedical: J Aging Sci Geronto 2024, 4: 1

Review article

Do SGLT2 Inhibitors Improve Prognosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction?

Mikhail N

Biomedical: J Aging Sci Geronto 2024, 4: 2

Case Report

A 91-Year-Old Hypertensive Male with Simple Liver Cysts Treated By Percutaneous Aspiration

Bando H, Sakamoto K, Okada M, Iwatsuki N and Ogawa T

Biomedical: J Aging Sci Geronto 2024, 4: 2