Climate Change and Natural Resource Management

Sheikh MM

Published on: 2022-12-22


Climate is changing at its own pace, since the beginning of evolution of earth but presently it has gained momentum due to inadvertent anthropogenic disturbances. Now days the question of climate change and its impacts regionally and globally, have moved from the realm of doubts and uncertainties to one of serious concern. Climate change will impact different regions and sectors differently based on their sensitivities and adaptive capacity and therefore their vulnerability. The most recent statements of the stern review on economics of climate change and intergovernmental panel on climate change bring out convincing evidence of such changes (IPCC); bring out convincing evidence of such changes. Climate change can manifest itself in gradual change in sea level, soil fertility, soil erosion, crop productivity, hydrological cycle, water balance, forest degradation, biodiversity and human health etc. resulting in changes in the frequency, intensity and duration of extreme events.