Social Media E-Commerce Campaign and Paylater System on Impulsive Buying Behavior of Gen Z: An Islamic Economic Perspective

Muda I, Kusmilawaty K, Simanjuntak AAS, Sugianto S and Soemitra A

Published on: 2024-07-31


This study aims to analyze the influence of social media, e-commerce campaigns, and paylater systems on the implied buying behavior of Gen Z from the perspective of Islamic Economics. The research was carried out by an on impulsive buying behavior. This is because Gen Z is a critical and selective generation in buying a product by utilizing the information they get on social media. E-Commerce Campaigns that offer various interesting opportunities and paylater that also provide opportunities to shop even in conditions of limited funds are also not so attractive to Gen Z in shopping. This is because the majority of respondents who are Gen Z do not have their own income. The results of this study are very contrary to previous studies that say that Gen Z is a FOMO generation that often dissolves in Impulsive Buying Behavior. Gen Z's selective behavior in buying this product can be said to be in accordance with the principles of Islamic Economics.


Gen Z; Impulsive buying behaviour; Social nedia; E-Commerce campaign; Paylater Sistem


Gen Z or the generation born in the period 1997-2012 dominates the population of Indonesia based on the results of the population census conducted by the Central Statistics Agency in 2020 with a total of 75.49 million people. This number shows that the percentage of Gen Z is 27.94% of the entire Indonesian population of 270.2 million people. [1]. Gen Z has distinctive characteristics such as ambitious, practical, independent, high confidence, detail, desire for recognition, and familiarity with information and digital technology [2,3] Therefore, Gen Z is often also referred to as the internet generation or the social media generation. [4]. Meanwhile, another character owned by Gen Z is Fear of Missing out (FOMO) [5].s these characters make Gen Z a generation that is very dependent on smartphones because they don't want to miss the latest information. They feel that they have to immediately see every notification that comes in from their social media. This is in accordance with the results of research conducted by the IDN Research Institute with Advisia which was published in the 2024 Indonesia Gen Z Report, which stated that 73% of Gen Z sought information through social media. [6]. this shows that social media and Gen Z cannot be separated in daily life. The stickiness of social media in daily life has a significant influence on consumption behavior. [7]. this is because Gen Z characters who want to get recognition encourage them to publish content such as profiles, activities, and opinions on social media. [8]. the creation of this content will of course increase the consumption rate. The presence of social media influencers also encourages Gen Z to follow their lifestyle which will also eventually increase consumptive behavior. Social media influencers have the ability to influence, lead opinions, and attitudes of their followers. [9]. so they compete to immediately have whatever is used by influencers without looking at whether they need it or not. The desire to buy something immediately will give rise to impulse purchases. Impulsive buying behavior is defined as purchases made without planning and followed by emotional urges. [10]. Impulsive purchases are also defined as spontaneous purchases made by making quick decisions. [11]. In addition to social media, E-Commerce Campaigns also influence impulse buying behavior. [12]. E-Commerce Campaign, which in this study is proxied with flash Sale, gives the effect of fun or a feeling of happiness to consumers. [13] Giving time limits in flash Sale is also able to accelerate the purchase decision by consumers. The speed of the purchase decision by consumers is not hindered by the availability or absence of funds [14]. Because currently, the Paylater System is here to provide alternative payment methods. Paylater has more or less the same function as a credit card but without using a card. Paylater is also much more practical in terms of registration, causing public enthusiasm. Until 2020, it is known that the number of Shopee Paylater users is 10.2 million with the amount of loan funds almost reaching Rp. 176 Trillion [15]. Paylater often makes consumers unable to ignore the desire to buy products that are considered attractive. [16]. Therefore, the researcher is interested in analyzing whether social media, e-commerce campaigns, and paylater systems affect Gen Z's impulsive buying and analyzing it with an Islamic Economics perspective [37].

Gen Z

Gen Z is a term for people born after Gen Y (millennials), namely after 1995 to 2010. [17]. However, the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency said Gen Z is a generation born between 1997 and 2012. Gen Z was born at a time of rapid development of information, technology, and communication in the world. This makes them familiar with the use of technology, especially on smartphones that can access all information which makes them also called igeneration or the internet generation. [18]. Gen Z has the nature of fast learners, is more creative, and has an instant mindset that comes from their lifestyle which in doing things must be effective, fast and flexible. In terms of mobile phone usage, Gen Z in Indonesia is ranked top in the world at 8.5 hours every day. [19]. Gen Z has the ability to quickly respond to advances in digital technology as their means of communication, entertainment, education, lifestyle and shopping. In response to this, many companies target gen z in their sales targets on social media such as Instagram, facebook, tiktok, etc.

Impulsive Buying Behavior

Impulse buying is when an individual feels suddenly pressured and it is difficult to resist. This habit often results in spontaneous purchases when consumers believe that it is natural [20]. Impulse purchases often occur suddenly, quickly, and spontaneously. Purchases are usually based more on emotions than rational considerations [21]. It is generally viewed as negative rather than positive, and consumers feel like they are losing control when making those purchases. [22]. Impulsive Buying Behavior refers to individual actions that are carried out spontaneously or without prior planning, triggered by an emotional reaction, and generally followed by a positive emotional response after a purchase. [23]. There are 3 indicators that can be seen before making impulse buying, namely discount prices, store atmosphere, and positive emotions. [24]. However, in this study, using cognitive and affective aspects [10].

Social Media

Social media is a platform in which information is created by individuals using publishing technology. The platform is easily accessible and aims to enable communication, influence, and interaction between users and each other. [25]. People who use social media usually have a desire to share their experiences, socialize, and discuss their ideas and interests with others [26]. Therefore, many companies utilize social media as one of the marketing techniques to interact with customers and recommend products that are in demand by customers. By positively interacting with customers, creating interesting content, and maintaining good communication, it can encourage companies to expand market reach, increase sales, and build customer loyalty to products. [27].

E-Commerce Campaign

Marketing campaigns are one of the components of integrated marketing communication which is part of a creative strategy for product communication to buyers. [28]. The E-Commerce Campaign in this study is proxied with Flash Sale. Various attractive offers are given by sellers during the periose flash sale. The more attractive the offer given, the more confident consumers will be in making purchase transactions. [35].

Paylater System

Fintech companies in mid-2018 created a new digital payment innovation, namely with the concept of installments without a credit card called Paylater. Paylater is a form of short-term loan that allows users to buy goods and then pay for them in several installments [29]. Paylater has the same function as a credit card but with an easy registration method when compared to a credit card. [20]. Paylater provides flexibility for users who still don't have enough funds when they want to make a purchase by postponing payments the next day. There are already many platforms that offer paylater services. Some of them are GoPay Paylater, Kredivo, Shopee PayLater, Traveloka PayLater, etc. The advantages offered by paylater include fast and flexible, supervised by the Financial Services Authority, an easy registration process, and there are special promos offered by the platform.


This research was conducted using a quantitative descriptive method using primary data. Data was collected through a questionnaire distributed to 200 Gen Z people without restricting domicile by quota sampling method. The research instruments of each variable were prepared using the Guttman scale in the form of yes and no answers, to get firm answers from the respondents. Then the data was processed using statistics and descriptive analysis. Impulsive Buying Behaviour is seen from cognitive and affective aspects [10]. Social media looks at 3 indicators, namely convenience, trust and quality of information [30]. E-Commerce Campaign that is proxied with flash sales, looking at perceived perishability [30], perceived scarcity [31], and Hedonic Shopping Value [32]. And the Paylater System, looking at 3 indicators, namely the perception of benefits, the perception of convenience and the perception of risk [33].

Result & Discussion


The respondents to the study were dominated by Gen Z with the female gender (70.4%). As many as 77.3% of respondents are Gen Z aged 19-23 years and the average is educated in high school and college, of which 87.5% get a source of income from their parents. Of the 200 respondents, the majority have Instagram and TikTok accounts that are used for social interaction, which is 84.3%. The frequency of shopping they do using e-commerce, 68% answered less than 5 times a month. Meanwhile, 14.8% answered 5-10 times. And only 10.2% answered more than 10 times. The transactions they often make are the purchase of fashion and skincare products. The majority of answers given by respondents when asked about the reason for buying are that they are in need of the product. In addition, only 11.6% buy because they like the model. And only 8.8% buy because of the discount. The results of the study from the Cognitive Aspect of Impulsive Buying Behavior show that only 32.9% of Gen Z lack planning when shopping. Meanwhile, 86.6% stated that they strongly consider the price, 90.3% consider the usability first, and 88% compare products with each other before making a purchase. And from the affective aspect, it can be seen that the results of the study show that almost all Gen Z feel happy after successfully purchasing the desired product, which is 99.1%. Meanwhile, the results of the study also showed that only 24.1% of respondents stated that they spontaneously made purchases of products that were seen as attractive. However, more than half of Gen Z (59.3%) stated that they find it difficult to ignore if there is a product that they think is good. And only 19.4% stated that they often regret after making a product purchase. From the social media variables seen from 3 indicators, convenience, trust and quality of information [30], almost all Gen Z (98.6%) agreed that social media makes it easier to shop. 95.4% stated that social media also provides enough clues and information about the product. And 99.1% stated that social media provides information about trending products. However, more than half, 50.9%, stated that sellers on social media are unreliable and untrustworthy. 86.1% of GenZ stated that social media information was relevant to consumers and 80.6% stated that social media provided them with clear information about the quality and usability of products. E-Commerce Campaign that is proxied with flash sales, looking at perceived perishability (Zhang et al. 2018), perceived scarcity [31] and Hedonic Shopping Value [32] 52,1% Respondents stated that even though flash sales have a limited time, it does not necessarily make them an excuse to immediately make spontaneous purchases. And 53.7% also stated that the limited number of flash sale products is also not a strong reason for them to buy immediately. However, 86.1% feel happy when they succeed in buying goods because the price is cheaper during flash sales. The last variable is the Paylater System variable, looking at 3 indicators, namely the perception of benefits, the perception of convenience and the perception of risk [33]. The results of the study show that 62% of Gen Z disagree with the statement that the Paylater system makes transactions faster. And 58.6% also stated that Paylater does not make shopping easier. And apparently, only 47.7% of Gen Z use paylater to have the desired product when they don't have cash.


Impulsive Buying Behavior is very contrary to the concept of preserving wealth in Islamic Economics. In QS. Al-Furqon verse 67, Allah commands us not to be excessive and not to be miserly in spending wealth. It can be interpreted as buying something according to your needs. But it is also explained, refraining from buying something needed is referred to as miserliness. And God loves the middle between the two [34].

From various previous studies, it has been mentioned that Gen Z is a generation that is vulnerable to Impulsive Buying Behavior. But the results in this study show something different. Most Gen Z already have careful planning before making a product purchase. The planning is in the form of considering the price, comparing products with each other, and most importantly considering the usefulness of the product. Although it is undeniable, succeeding in having the desired product gives them their own happiness. Social media is agreed by Gen Z as a media that provides relevant, easily obtainable and trustworthy information related to the products they need. Testimonials from various users are enough reference for them before purchasing a product. Even so, some Gen Z argue that not all sellers on social media are reliable and trustworthy. Likewise, E-Commerce Campaigns or Flash Sale that always provide attractive offers for consumers are not enough to attract Gen Z in purchasing products. Time constraints and also the limited number of products held at cheaper prices in the Flash Sale are not enough reasons to buy. The reason for the need remains the main point in purchasing products. And the Paylater system, which is believed to be a justification for making purchases even though the condition of funds is limited, also does not apply to Gen Z. Most Gen Z do not agree that paylater speeds up and simplifies shopping transactions. This means that Gen Z still pays attention to the risks posed before making a purchase transaction.


The results showed that social media, e-commerce campaigns, and paylaters did not have a significant effect on impulsive buying behavior. This is because Gen Z is a critical and selective generation in buying a product by utilizing the information they get on social media. E-Commerce Campaigns that offer various interesting opportunities and paylater that also provide opportunities to shop even in conditions of limited funds are also not so attractive to Gen Z in shopping. This is because the majority of respondents who are Gen Z do not have their own income. The results of this study are very contrary to previous studies that say that Gen Z is a FOMO generation that often dissolves in Impulsive Buying Behavior. Gen Z's selective behavior in buying this product can be said to be in accordance with the principles of Islamic Economics.


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