The Influence of E-Commerce and Information Technology on Alumni Entrepreneurial Interest with Entrepreneurship Education as a Moderating Variable

Muda I, Lubis DS, Hutagalung MWR, Irawan H and Soemitra A

Published on: 2024-07-29


This study aims to find out and analyze the influence of E-Commerce and information technology on alumni entrepreneurial interest with entrepreneurship education as a moderating variable. This type of research is quantitative using primary data. The population in this study is Alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program, Sheikh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan State Islamic University in 2023. The sample used was 80 respondents from 385 populations. The research data collection method is a field survey by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The data analysis technique method uses the Structural Equation method of the Partial Lest Square model (SEM PLS) with the help of the Smart PLS Descriptive Data Analysis version 4.0 application as a calculation tool. Based on the results of data analysis, information technology and entrepreneurship education have a positive and significant effect on respondents' interest in entrepreneurship. However, E-Commerce has no effect and is not significant to respondents' interest in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship education can moderate the influence of E-Commerce on respondents' entrepreneurial interest. However, entrepreneurship education cannot moderate the influence of information technology on the entrepreneurial interest of Alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program at Sheikh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary State Islamic University Padangsidimpuan in 2023.


E-Commerce; Information technology; Entrepreneurial interest; Entrepreneurship education


Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest population in the world. Population growth in Indonesia from year to year is increasing. Currently, the number of Indonesia's population reaches 252 million people as of January 2016. Every year the population growth in Indonesia increases by 1.3 percent, which means that every year there are an additional 3 million people. The large population has resulted in problems, including the depletion of employment. [1] Unemployment is generally caused by an increase in the number of job seekers that is not proportional to the number of jobs available in a region. Unemployment can also affect the level of the Indonesian economy. One of the causes of unemployment is the limited number of available jobs that are smaller than the number of job seekers. [1].

Figure 1: Unemployment Rate in Indonesia 2014-2020.

Source: Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS)

Based on data from the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) above the unemployment rate in Indonesia in the last 7 years in 2014-2020, the number of unemployed people in August 2020 was 9.77 million people. This number increased significantly to 38.58 percent compared to August 2019. One way to overcome the unemployment rate is by being entrepreneurial, by being entrepreneurial can create new jobs. [1] Interest in entrepreneurship is influenced by entrepreneurship education and information technology where one form of information technology itself is E-Commerce, it can be concluded that the stronger the influence, the greater a person's interest in entrepreneurship. [1] E-Commerce is an electronic buying and selling activity carried out on the internet network as a business transaction. [1] The higher the student's education about entrepreneurship, the higher the student's insight so that they understand business and know every step taken and plan every activity to succeed in their business. [2] Based on the report on the condition of the employment rate released by the Central Statistics Center (BPS) in August 2021, the number of Indonesia's labor force was 140.15 million people, an increase of 1.93 million people compared to August 2020. Meanwhile, the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) increased by 0.03 percentage points. [1] The Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business is one of the faculties in the university that teaches entrepreneurship education (Entrepreneurship), and the supporting courses provided. [1] Based on the results of provisional observations made by the researcher, on several people from the Alumni of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Department of Sharia Economics UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan is that there are some of them (alumni) who are not entrepreneurs. [1] In his research, Muchayatin stated that information technology has a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial interest. [1] Meanwhile, other previous studies stated that information technology has a negative effect on entrepreneurial interest. [1] In the research of Alvi Nabilah, et al. stating that E-Commerce has a significant negative effect on entrepreneurial interest. Meanwhile, other research states that E-Commerce has a positive but not significant effect on entrepreneurial interest. [2] Based on the inconsistent results above, the researcher is interested in re-researching so that the researcher took the title "The Influence of E-Commerce and Information Technology on Alumni Entrepreneurial Interest with Entrepreneurship Education as a Moderating Variable (Case Study of Alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan)".

Theoretical Foundations

Entrepreneurial Interest

According to Kartin in the research Tambunan et al (2018) and Alifia (2019) stated that the entrepreneurial interest is the tendency of the heart in the subject to be interested in creating a business that then organizes, regulates, assumes risks and develops the business he creates. [2] Some indicators of entrepreneurial interest include feelings of interest, feelings of pleasure, motivation, desire, and daring to take risks. [2] Factors that affect entrepreneurial interest include entrepreneurship education which is a person's understanding of positive, creative and innovative entrepreneurship in developing business opportunities that are beneficial to themselves and the community or consumers. The second factor is information technology. [2] Islam encourages humans to work to meet their daily needs including farming, gardening, and business and trading, where trading is included in the concept of buying and selling fiqh muamalah. Where buying and selling refers to the exchange of property with property which then changes ownership accompanied by ijab and qabul according to the provisions of Islamic law. [2]


According to Kotler and Armstrong in the research Nasution [41] and Teresya et al [42]. It is said that E-Commerce is an online channel that can be reached by a person through a computer, which is used by businessmen in carrying out their business activities and used by consumers to get information using the help of a computer which in the process begins by providing information services to consumers in determining their choices. [2]

 The types of E-Commerce based on transactions are as follows:

  1. Business to business (B2B), is an E-Commerce model where the business person is a company, so the transaction process and interaction is between one company and another.
  2.  Business to Consumer (B2C), is an e-commerce model where business people directly involve sellers (e-commerce service providers) and individual buyers or buyers [46-49].
  3. Consumer to Consumer (C2C), is an e-commerce model where individuals or individuals as sellers interact and transact directly with other individuals as buyers [35-40].
  4. Consumer to Business (C2B), is an e-commerce model where individual or individual business people make transactions or interactions with one or several companies [41-46].

The role of E-Commerce includes opening new revenue streams, increasing market exposure, lowering operating costs, expanding global reach, increasing customer loyalty, improving supplier management, shortening production time, and improving the value chain. E-Commerce has 3 indicators, namely marketing, sales, and payment. [3] E-Commerce in muamalah fiqh that is very commensurate with the concept of e-commerce is buying and selling al-salam, if the goods are in the form of orders, namely non-digital ones, and general buying and selling (buyu') for types of digital goods. Although in al-salam the payment is conventional, namely directly in the form of cash, in accordance with the conditions of civilization that existed at that time, while "cash" in the payment system in e-commerce uses the medium of e-mail and credit cards (credit cards) online. [3]

  1. Information Technology

According to the Oxford English Dictonary (OED) contained in the book Abdul Karim et al. Information technology is hardware and software and can include networks and telecommunications which are usually in the context of business or business. The role of information technology in the development of online business includes; Information and communication technology can make it easier, online businesses are popular because of the flexibility of a person, the number of experts in the field of information technology as well, and an internet connection that is getting easier and more affordable

Technology is born from human observation of natural phenomena, says Allah in the Qur'an surah Al-Jaatsiyah verse 13:

????????? ?????? ???? ??? ??????????? ????? ??? ????????? ????????? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????????

????????? ???????????????? ??

Meaning: “Allah subdues for you what is in the heavens and on the earth and Allah commands you to pay attention to the universe, read and examine such things as there is a sign of the greatness of Allah for those who think. [4]

  1. Entrepreneurship Education

According to Suhartono in the book Mintasih Indriayu et al., entrepreneurship education is a person's knowledge in order to produce new products, start a new business, develop a new business, and generate new added value. Some of the indicators of entrepreneurship education are; First, the method of entrepreneurship education, which is a person's way or process of learning to hone their abilities. Second, the benefits of entrepreneurship education, through the education provided that helps a person become more creative and confident. Third, having a basic understanding of entrepreneurship, and the fourth is fostering awareness of business opportunities. [5] One of the recommendations in Islam is the obligation to pursue useful knowledge or get a good education, because education is a very important need for every human being, with human knowledge can be nobler than other creatures [30-35].

Research Methods

This research was carried out at Sheikh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary State Islamic University Padangsidimpuan Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business. Located on Jl. T Rizal Nurdin Km 4, RW.5, Sihitang, Southeast Padangsidimpuan, Padangsidimpuan City, North Sumatra 22733, and North Sumatra. The time for this research will be carried out from May 2023 to February 2024. The population in this study is Alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program, Sheikh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary University, Padangsidimpuan who have graduated in 2023 with a total of 385 Alumni. The sampling technique uses the purposive sampling technique, namely on Alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program who have graduated in 2023. The sampling size carried out was using the Slovin formula, which is 80 samples from 385 populations. [6] The type of research conducted is quantitative research. The data source of this study uses primary data sources from the results of the questionnaire distributed to alumni of the Sharia Economics study program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan. The data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The method used in this study is using the Structural Equation method of the Partial Lest Square model (SEM PLS) with the help of the Smart PLS Descriptive Data Analysis version 4.0 application as a calculation tool [27-30].

Research Results

A Brief History of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

The Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business was established in 2013 along with the process of transferring the status of STAIN Padangsidimpuan to IAIN Padangsidimpuan based on Presidential Regulation No. 52 of 2013 concerning the Change of the State Islamic College of Padangsidimpuan to the State Islamic Institute of Padangsidimpuan which was signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on July 30, 2013. [7] The Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business is a center of excellence, namely a center for Islamic religious higher education in the field of Islamic economics and finance with the most complete study programs in North Sumatra, ranging from Sharia Banking, Sharia Economics, Sharia Accounting, Sharia Business Management and Sharia Financial Management [21-26]

Discussion of Research Results

The researcher conducted research directly by distributing questionnaires addressed to alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan and processed the results of the answers from the respondents through the Smart PLS application version 4 as follows:

     1. The Influence of E-Commerce on the Entrepreneurial Interest of Alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan [20]

Based on the results of the hypothesis that has been carried out above, it shows that the e-commerce variable has no effect and is not significant on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan because the p-value is greater than the significance level of 5% (0.185>0.05) and has a smaller statistical t than the table t (1.325<1,665).

This defines the higher the development of information technology where one of the forms of technology is E-Commerce, the lower the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan. The results of this study are not supported by the theory, namely that the interest in entrepreneurship is influenced by the existence of increasingly sophisticated information technology, thus causing an increase in entrepreneurs in utilizing and using information technology. [6] However, the results of this study are in line with previous research by Elida Gultom which stated that e-commerce partially did not have a significant effect on students' entrepreneurial interest [7].

  1. The Influence of Information Technology on the Entrepreneurial Interest of Alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan [8].

Based on the results of the hypothesis that has been carried out above, it shows that the information technology variable has a positive and significant effect on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan, this is evidenced by a p-value that is smaller than the significance level of 5% (0.001<0.05) and has a statistically greater t than the table t (3.411>1,665). This defines that the higher the definition of information technology, the higher the interest in entrepreneurship of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan. The results of this research are supported by the theory in information technology, namely the higher the information technology, the higher the intention of a person in utilizing the technology to take opportunities in developing their business. This is in line with previous research by Yuni Putri, Nurul Fauzi and Desi Handayani who stated that accounting information systems have a positive and significant effect on the entrepreneurial interest of accounting students at the Padang State Polytechnic [9].

  1. The Influence of Entrepreneurship Education on the Entrepreneurial Interest of Alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan [10].

Based on the results of the hypothesis that has been carried out above, it shows that the entrepreneurial education variable has a positive and significant effect on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan this is because the p-value is smaller than the significance level of 5% (0.000<0.05), and has a statistically greater t than the table t (4.863>1,665).

This defines that the higher the entrepreneurship education, the higher the interest in entrepreneurship of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Has an Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan. The results of this study are supported by the theory, namely the higher the student's education about entrepreneurship, the higher the student's insight so that they understand business and know every step taken and plan every activity to succeed in their business [11]. This is in line with previous research by Niluh Anik Sapitri and Emi Sri Rahayu Fatimah who stated that entrepreneurial knowledge has a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial interest in online merchants in Makassar City from an Islamic perspective [12].

  1.  Entrepreneurship education moderates the influence of e-commerce on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan Based on the results of the hypothesis that has been carried out above, it shows that the variable of Entrepreneurship Education can moderate the influence of E-Commerce on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan because it has a statistically greater t than the table t (1,806>1,665). This means that entrepreneurship education can weaken the influence between E-Commerce on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan. The results of this study are in line with the previous research of Isnaini Faraz (2024) with the title The influence of E-Commerce and entrepreneurial knowledge on the interest in entrepreneurship of fresh graduates with capital as a moderating variable. The results of this study show that capital variables can moderate the relationship between E-Commerce variables and entrepreneurial interest [13].
  2. Entrepreneurship education moderates the influence of information technology on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Based on the results of the hypothesis that has been carried out above, it shows that the variable of entrepreneurship education cannot moderate the influence of information technology on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan because the p-value is greater than the significance level of 5% (0.364>0.05), has a statistically smaller t than the table t (0.908<1,665). This means that entrepreneurship education can weaken the influence of information technology on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan. The results of this study are not in line with the previous research by Isnaini Faraz (2024) with the title the influence of E-Commerce and entrepreneurial knowledge on the interest in entrepreneurship of fresh graduates with capital as a moderating variable. The results of this study show that capital variables can moderate the relationship between E-Commerce variables and entrepreneurial interest [`14].


Based on the results of the research from data analysis and discussion on "The Influence of E-Commerce and Information Technology on Alumni Entrepreneurial Interest with Entrepreneurship Education as a Moderating Variable (Case Study of Alumni of Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan)" can be concluded as follows:

  1. E-commerce has no effect and is not significant on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan. [15].
  2. Information technology has a positive and significant effect on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Sheikh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan. [16].
  3. Entrepreneurship education has a positive and significant effect on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan. [17].
  4. Entrepreneurship education can moderate the influence of E-Commerce on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan. [18].
  5. Entrepreneurship education cannot moderate the influence of information technology on the entrepreneurial interest of alumni of the Sharia Economics Study Program UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan [18].


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