The Role of Multi-Level Marketing (Mlm) Business in Increasing Income Public Indonesia in Perspective Economy Sharia
Muda I, Soemitra A, Sugianto S and Ibrahim H
Published on: 2023-12-29
MLM is a business with flexible hours. Distributors can make presentations or sales at their own pace. This allows them to manage their time better. Going home from work or on weekends is the most ideal time to do this business for people who work in offices. For those who don't have a permanent job, they can also do it full time with their own set of working hours, without a boss or supervisor supervising them. Most of the public views Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) as illegal, and some view it as Halal. This is marked by the emergence of Sharia Multi-Level Marketing, which has a Halal label and the National Sharia Council in it. The emergence of this phenomenon made me interested in researching how the role of the Multi-Level Marketing business is in increasing the income of the Indonesian people in the perception of the Syrian economy. The result found that there are still many people who misinterpret this business as a money-game scheme, and many of them do business or invest in the name of MLM (a fraudulent business). This article uses a qualitative method. Acquisition of research data using a library research system This article finds that there are many bogus businesses that are still being carried out by irresponsible people and causing anxiety for the public. This article aims to provide a solution for identifying Halal MLM for the Indonesian people so that they are not easily swayed by the lure of instant, abundant profits.
Multi-level marketing; Islamic economics; Islamic shariaIntroduction
Multi-level marketing (MLM), by way of etymology, means marketing tiered too many [1]. MLM is one of the various methods that can be chosen by a company to promote the product. In MLM, customers are empowered to carry out tasks such as marketing or distribution in a manner independent of the company [2]. The reward in the form of piece price, commission, or the incentives set by the company producer in a manner tiered in accordance with amount markup sale (usually called volumes point or business point) is notified to distributors independent since they register as members [1]. In other words, multi-level marketing can be said as marketing done through lots of levels or levels, which is usually known with Oops line (level top) And down line (level bottom) Upline (promoter) is a member who has already become a member, especially the first, whereas subordinate (downline) is a new member who has been registered or recruited by the promoter. Level membership this can simply be changed change accordingly with a conditional payment or purchase. MLM: This can also be called as network marketing. Called thus because the larger the member group, the more Lots so that form a network Work (network) which is something system marketing with use network Work Lots of people who do marketing. Partly person, There is Also Which mentions EVENING as business sale direct or direct selling. Opinion this is based on the implementation of MLM sales made directly by the interpreter to the consumer. The activity sale is done by a seller with an explanation, presentation, and demo product. In Indonesia at the moment, this sale direct, or direct single good selling level, or multi-level sale joins an association that is called Association Sale Direct Indonesia (APLI).
Study this is a qualitative approach. In accordance with characteristics, study qualitative No mean for interesting generalization on conclusion, however, more focus on the representation object that was observed. About the title, which is put forward, study this done with method study interview. The interview, as performed here, consists of asking a question while looking ahead between the interviewer and the person being interviewed. The goal of this methodology is not a generalization but a deep understanding of a problem. Study qualitative function, give category substantive, and hypothesize qualitatively [3]. Study qualitative done on conditional and characteristic discovery Study qualitative methods If the problem is not yet clear, For now meaning, which Which hidden, For social interaction, For developing theory, ensuring truthful data, And researching history development.
Results and Discussion
Draft Income Multi-Level Marketing
Multi-level marketing (EVENING) in a manner of etymology means marketing that is tiered many [1]. MLM is one of the various methods that can be selected by the company to promote the product. In MLM, customers are empowered to carry out tasks such as marketing or distribution in a manner independent of the mix-hand direct company. The reward in the form of piece price, commission, or incentives is set by the company producer in a manner tiered in accordance with the amount of markup sold (usually called volume point or business point), which is notified to independent distributors since they register as members [1,4]. In other words, multi-level marketing can be said as marketing done through lots of levels or levels, which are usually known with Oops line (level top) And down line (level bottom) Upline (promoter) is a member who has already become a member, especially the first, whereas subordinate (downline) is a new member who has been registered or recruited by the promoter. Level membership This Can just change, according to the condition of payment or purchase certain.MLM: This Can also be called as network marketing. Called thereby because the larger the member group, the more lots there are, so that form a network work (network), which is something system marketing with network Work many people do marketing. Partly person, There is Also Which mentions EVENING as business sale direct or direct selling. Opinion this is based on implementation in the evening, which is done in a manner directed by the interpreter to the consumer. The activity sale is done by a seller with an explanation, presentation, and demo product. In Indonesia at the moment, this sale direct, or direct single good selling level, or multi-level sale, joins an association that is called Association Sale Direct Indonesia (APLI). In Islamic ethics interpreted as purposeful morals and manners for educate morality human, deep matter this is proper We make example is the Prophet Muhammad SAW is spiritual values , humanism, honesty, balance and passion For satisfying partners the business . Kindly principle He has made the following four pillars: In this base transaction economy, the four pillars are: monotheism, balance (fairness), freedom, and responsible answers. In order to do business later, at the time we succeed, we must keep life simple and reasonable. No luxury, luxury, and action are redundant. What we really must take note of is How We do business, which pays attention to halal and haram, so We can be spared from the unclean and guard our product or service in a lawful state.There is one more that is a necessary characteristic of the Prophet, and that is shajah, which means brave. The business value is willing and able to take decisions, analyzing data, being appropriate in taking decisions, and being responsive. In the Koran, there are two principles and ethics of business: freedom and justice. Meaning from freedom, every individual e is entitled to own riches in a manner free. However, w toobtain appropriate wealth,with shariaeanwhile, Islam means justice in the business world. The Koran instructs that in doing business, every promise should be kept, every person's rights should be protected, and every individual's rights should be respected. Rule proposal: the first fiqh This directed For beristilal that do innovation in contract business is mubah, although multi-level marketing (EVENING) did not exist at the time of Rasulullah SAW, this means that in a manner absolute, all forms of multi-level Marketing (MLM) are haram. Whereas the rule proposal is the second fiqh For beristil, that marketing plan or system inside the division, Multi Levels Marketing (MLM), must in accordance with rating the work of each member, so they do not get something or get bonuses that are not results, but work. System network work, which is created from multi-level marketing, is very profitable for every member and can create an atmosphere of friendship within a group because members often meet and stay in touch. With this system, this will give birth to an attitude of cooperation with partners work. Study this is about multi-level marketing (MLM), which is illegal and in part looked this multi-level marketing is halal, and it is marked with the already Existing Sharia multi-level marketing halal label and the National Sharia Business Council. This also penetrated Indonesia in the year 1980. The development business moves quickly and is the most expensive profession in 2001.This is proven from research published in Warta Ekonomi [5] that businessmen's networks enter the profession, ranking 8th in 2000. After a year, the businessman enters ranking 1, which defeats other professions executive. Development business EVENING This since Indonesia experienced a crisis economy. They look for other income so that more can fulfill their needs. There are three types of MLM companies in Indonesia, namely: 1) companies that market products outside the country only; 2) companies that promote products outside and inside the country; and 3) company that promotes products in the country. Objective companies promote the product through MLM because they want it to be quickly absorbed by the market. Company EVENING Tianshi, which was researched, includes category second, which is company EVENING, Which promotes products from outside (especially China) and within the country. At the moment. This situation if seen from the root, he said MLM is an abbreviation for Multi-Level Marketing. Multi can be interpreted as many" or "levels. The same with "tiered" or "level” whereas marketing is marketing, so multi-level marketing is marketing that is many-tiered. Because members from businesses are more likely to become network workers, MLM is also called network marketing. In other words, network marketing is system marketing with the use of networks. The Phenomenon from Results Observation part: big public, many look at multi-level marketing (EVENING) This unclean part Again looked like multi-level marketing. This Halal And This in Mark with Already Appearance Multi Levels Marketing Sharia Which There is Label Halal And Board Sharia National in his, he appeared phenomena This makes me interested in researching how role business Multi Inside Marketing Levels remind income deep Indonesian society Perceptive Syrian Economy The Phenomenon results Interview writer finds Still Lots Wrongly Interpreting Business This is with money game schemes, and many of them do business or invest with them on behalf of MLM (business bogus). This article employs the qualitative method. Acquisition of research data: This uses the library research system. This article discovers that many businesses are still stupid, run by irresponsible people who contribute to a restless society. Article this aim is to give solution identification for EVENING, which is Halal for public Indonesia, so that No easy affected lure profit overflows in a manner instant. Phenomenon from study results Data documentation from members of PT. Legend Antidote Proceed provides information about the main reasons for choosing the MLM business at PT. Advanced Legend Antidote and the profits that have been made after joining the business MLM at PT. Advanced Legend Antidote, so that the public can increase their income using the data And experience they gained during their work in the EVENING at PT. Advanced Legend Antidote. Running a company with the MLM system is not only about selling product goods but Also product services, which is service marketing. Which level has reward in the form of marketing fees, bonuses, etc. depends on levels, performance, sales, and distributor membership. MLM business is business with flexible hours. Distributors can do presentations or sales at their own convenience. This makes them arrange time with more ok. Get off work or the weekend is the time most ideal for doing business. This is for working people's offices. For those who don't own work yet, they can also do it full time with working hours arranged alone, without a boss or supervising boss. Operating an MLM business requires only about two hours per day for those who work in the office. Can be completed on time, rest at noon, on the spot, and tell a story with a friend's office. Tell me about the business and products of our MLM wrestler. Tell a story That Already includes operating a business. If you don't want to be bothered by the monotony of office work, you can run an MLM business during the holidays or at other times. As for risk And weakness faced by the distributor, among others: first, rejected at the time of invitation, and here it is the heaviest risk; second, no knowledge of the Product already brought, and sometimes a sample Already given or even Already demonstrated, but still just rejected. No in demand is a risk in selling, and no one makes a loss. Because the product can be too worn alone or saved as stock; and third, getting scorn is also very risky because not all distributors can withhold themselves when getting derision. Miscellaneous: the ridicule of the person addressed to the distributor in the evening However, in business, EVENING is taken into account, which is normal.
ndonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, with a total resident population of 273,523,615 people in 2020. Indonesia has the world's largest Muslim population. The impact pandemic Covid-19 caused various companies in Indonesia to do layoffs or termination of connection work in a coordinated or simultaneous manner, increasing the level of unemployment significantly. It is supported by a report from BPS in Indonesia that unemployment in August 2021 was big at 6.49%, a decrease from February 2021's 9.27%, and in August 2020 at 7.07%. Based on the explanation of Chairman BPS, this is a consequence of the phenomenon pandemic COVID- 19. It can be concluded that economic growth is good because Most Indonesians do business using the principle of multi-level marketing, which, until now, has been believed to make it easier for us in business. And this MLM No, we are not unclean if we do business using MLM. This implements Sharia. Islam, one of them, Muamalah, arrived now in theory. Muamalah is still in thank you by society and in admitting that it's Halal.
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