About Journal

Journal of Marine Biology and Environmental Sciences is an International Research Hunt- independent, unpolarized, unbiased, annual published open access journal. Journal of Marine Biology and Environmental Sciences acts as an interfacing link between Marine Biology researchers and readers across the scientific community. This Journal is synchronized with the dissemination of innovation, thoughts, upcoming discoveries, rediscoveries, and evolution. Our promulgation is globally acknowledged and aligned with quality and excellence, we are bound to be positioned on knowledge dissemination, nurturing research promotion and evolution unceasingly as well as our commitment towards the bonding in the secession of Global Research Orientation.

JMBES provides a leading vehicle for communication between researchers, academicians, workers and students concerned with any branch of marine and environmental sciences and their applications in business, industry and other subjects.

We publish original research articles, review articles, case reports, special issues, short communications, conference papers and expert opinions of scientific excellence related to the after-mentioned field.

Journal of Marine Biology and Environmental Sciences is a scientific journal covering high-quality manuscripts which are both relevant and applicable to the broad field of knowledge that combines science and technology. This journal encompasses the study related to interactions of living systems with ecosystems and the earth.

The objective of the journal is to maintain and develop science and related research at an international level for the well-being of the marine and the environment. In order to achieve this, it is important to bring into a major field of Marine Biology and environmental sciences updates at the global level we welcome scientists, scholars and environmentalists to put their works in the form of a research article, review articles, excavation reports, brief report, communications, commentaries, opinion, letter to the editor, etc in the journal.

Area: Marine Biology and Environmental Science

Language: English

Review Process: Double blinded peer review process

Publication Timeline: 15 days peer review process

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The articles submitted by authors must contain a minimum of 80% unique content (Which should be unique and must not copy from any other websites). The authors must maintain 100% uniqueness in the text’s results and conclusion. We will resend the articles, which have below 80% uniqueness to the authors for revision and asked for resubmissions with uniqueness (as per guidelines).

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  • must be previously unpublished research results
  • must be experimental or theoretical
  • and will be peer-reviewed
  • May not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during the review period.

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Aim and Scope

Journal of Marine Biology and Environmental Sciences (JMBES) which aims to publish high-quality scientific contributions in all major areas of Marine Biology and  Environmental Sciences: Oceanography, Aquatic Sciences etc. Journal is internationally acknowledged to all the research apprises covering a wide range of aspects. This Journal encompasses the progresses, recent advancement, innovation in the field of Deep-Sea Fish, Deep Sea Mining, Marine Engineering, Marine Fisheries, Marine Mammal Research, Marine Pollution, Marine Biology, Marine Ecology, Fish Farming, Fisheries Economics and Management, Aquatic diseases, Limnology and Oceanography, Fish Genetics, Fish biochemistry and nutrition, Aquaculture Biotechnology,  Ecology, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Chemistry, Health and Safety, Environmental Toxicology, Marine Reptiles, Ocean Currents, Reef Biology and all aspects of Marine Biology and Environmental Sciences, Aquatic sciences Properties of Water, Freshwater Ecosystems , Saltwater Ecosystems , Aquatic Ecology , Classification Water Pollution, Water distribution, Human Impact on Aquatic Environments, Physical Oceanography, Marine Aquatic Ecosystems, Aquatic Species and many more topics related to aquatic science corresponds to the oceanography and specialties comprising a comprehensive resource for researchers around the World .


The main objective of this Journal is to provide an accessible niche for societies, international scholars, academicians, practitioners, researchers, authors to contribute their research by sharing innovative thoughts and discoveries in the field of Marine Biology. It attempts to promote new insights, thought-provoking discoveries in the field of Marine Biology and Environmental Sciences that can broaden the dimension of Marine research transmission globally. JMBES welcomes various types of articles which includes Research article, Review article, Case reports, Clinical images, Short-communications, Rapid-communications, review papers, mini-reviews, case presentations, short communications, opinions, perspectives, etc.

Deep-Sea Fish

Deep-sea fish are the Fish that live in the dark deep ocean portions below the sunlit surface waters that is below the epipelagic or photic zone of the sea. Deep-sea organisms contain gas-filled spaces. Ex: Lanternfish, ridgehead, Angler fish etc.

Marine Fisheries

The marine fisheries sector plays a crucial role for coastal nations across Africa. Marine fisheries support the livelihoods of millions of citizens along Africa's 30,490 km coastline.


Climatology is not only concerned with the analysis of climate patterns and statistics (e.g. temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric moisture) but also with seasonal to inter-annual climate variability, long-term changes in mean and variability characteristics, climate extremes and seasonality.


Paleoceanography is the study of the history of the oceans. It encompasses aspects of oceanography, climatology, biology, chemistry and geology. Paleoceanographic studies using environment models and different proxies enable the scientific community to assess the role of the oceanic processes in the global climate by the re-construction of past climate at various intervals. The main sources of information are biogenic and inorganic marine sediments, as well as corals. Biogenic sediment includes planktonic and benthic fossils whereas inorganic sediment includes ice-rafted debris and dust.


Hydrobiology is an ecological science that deals with the study of water populations their interrelations with habitat and significance for the transformation of energy and matter, and the biological productivity of the ocean, seas, and inland waters.

Coastal geography

Coastal geography is the study of the interface between the ocean and the land, which incorporates both the physical geography and the human geography of the coast.


Limnology is the study of the structural and functional interrelationships of organisms of inland waters-lakes (both freshwater and saline), reservoirs, rivers, streams, wetlands, and groundwater as their dynamic physical, chemical, and biotic environments affect them.

Marine Drugs

The drugs obtained from marine organisms are being conventionally used like Shark & Cod liver oil, Sodium alginate, Agar-agar, Chitin etc.

Marine organisms are potential sources for drug discovery. Life has originated from oceans and contains highly ecological, chemical & biological diversity starting from microorganisms to vertebrates. This diversity has been the source of unique chemical compounds which hold tremendous pharmaceutical potential.


The whole body of saltwater covers most of the Earth’s surface. The average salinity of ocean water is approximately three percent. The five oceans of the world are the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and the Antarctic.

The ocean makes our planet a wonderful place to live. It gives us more than half of the oxygen we breathe. It regulates the climate, absorbs a quarter of the carbon that we put into the atmosphere every year, provides livelihoods for hundreds of millions of people.

Marine Biology

It is the study of ocean plants and animals and their ecological relationships. The study of Marine Biology includes astronomy, physical oceanography, geology, botany, genetics etc.

Marine Organisms

The animals inhabiting the sea are called marine organisms. Marine organisms may be classified as Nektonic, Planktonic, or Benthic. The distribution of marine organisms depends on the chemical and physical properties of seawater, ocean currents & penetration of light.

Marine Habitat

It is a natural environment where the species or a group of species live i.e., marine life. Marine life depends on the saltwater that is in the sea. Marine habitats can be divided into coastal and open ocean habitats.

Marine Ecology & Ecosystem

Marine Ecology is the science that deals with the basic structural and functional relationships within and among living populations and their physical and chemical environments in the marine ecosystem. An ecosystem is a group of living organisms in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment.

Marine Chemistry

Marine Chemistry is the study that deals with the chemical composition and chemical processes of marine water bodies. The major use of marine chemistry is through pollution regulation and monitoring in marine environmental protection.

Marine Geology

It is the branch of geology that studies the geological structure and development of the part of Earth’s crust that makes up the floors of the seas and oceans. Marine geology uses the methods and findings of geomorphology, geophysics & geochemistry.

Marine Conversation

It involves the protection and restoration of species and mitigating human activities such as overfishing, habitat destruction, pollution, whaling and other issues that affect marine organisms and ecosystems that are living in oceans & seas throughout the world.

Aquatic Science

It is the science deals with the study of aquatic systems including both freshwater systems & marine systems. Aquatic science involves aquatic ecology, limnology, oceanography and marine biology and hydrology.

Fisheries Science

It is the science that deals with the catching, processing, or selling of fish or other aquatic animals.

It is to protect biodiversity and to create sustainable seafood sources because of the world's dependence on fish for protein. There are many areas of study in this field i.e, The ecology of fisheries, Fisheries management, Aquaculture.


Oceanography is the scientific study of oceans, the life that inhabits them and their physical characteristics, including the depth and extent of the ocean, waters their movement and chemical makeup and the topography and composition of the ocean floors.

Marine Engineering

Marine engineering is the branch of study that deals with the design, development, production and maintenance of the equipment used at sea and on board sea vessels like boats, ships etc.

Ocean Engineering

Ocean Engineering is a branch of technological studies that deals with the design and operations of man-made systems in the ocean and other marine bodies. It is concerned with mechanical, electrical, electronic and computing technology to support oceanography.

Ocean engineering provides an important link between the other oceanographic disciplines such as marine biology, chemical and physical oceanography, and marine geology and geophysics.


Ichthyology is the branch of biology that deals with the study of fishes with reference to their structure, relations to one another and to other animals, classification, habits, and uses. It is also known as fish science.


It is the science dealing with the relationship between the geochemistry of a given region and its flora and fauna, including the circulation of such elements as carbon and nitrogen between the environment and the cells of living organisms.

Sea Transportation

Sea transportation in today's shipping market has evolved into three separate but closely connected segments: bulk shipping, liner shipping and specialized shipping. Although these segments belong to the same industry, each carries out different tasks and has a very different character.

Marine Engineering

Marine engineering is the discipline of applying engineering sciences and can include mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, and computer science, to the development, design, operation and maintenance of watercraft propulsion and also on-board systems and oceanographic technology.

Deep-sea mining

Deep-sea mining is a relatively new mineral retrieval process that takes place on the ocean floor. Ocean mining sites are usually around large areas of polymetallic nodules or active and extinct hydrothermal vents at about 1,400-3,700 m below the ocean’s surface. The vents create sulfide deposits, which contain valuable metals such as silver, gold, copper, manganese, cobalt, and zinc.

Marine Science

Marine Science is the study of the ocean, its ecosystems and its life forms as well as the study of coastal environments, oceanic currents and the seafloor. Marine Science is also known as Oceanology.

Sea Food

Seafood is any form of sea life regarded as food by humans. Seafood prominently includes fish and shellfish. Shellfish include various species of mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms.

Marine Pollution

Marine pollution occurs when harmful, or potentially harmful, effects result from the entry into the ocean of chemicals, industrial, agricultural and residential waste, noise, or the spread of invasive organisms and from nonpoint sources such as agricultural runoff, wind-blown debris and dust.

Marine Mammal Research

Marine mammals, which include seals, whales, dolphins, porpoises, manatees, walruses and polar bears form a diverse group of 129 species that rely on the ocean for their existence. The Sea Mammal Research Unit gives fair, autonomous and imaginative science that has high significance to society.

Marine Reptiles

Marine reptiles are reptiles that have become secondarily adapted for aquatic or semi-aquatic life in a marine environment. Marine Reptiles are primarily cold-blooded vertebrates adapted to aquatic life in the sea. Example: Sea turtles, Sea snakes, Saltwater crocodiles and marine lizards.


Seaweed is a macroscopic, multicellular, marine algae that live near the seabed. The term includes some members of the red, brown, and green algae. The study of seaweed is known as Phycology. They belong to three different groups, empirically distinguished since the mid-nineteenth century on the basis of thallus color.

Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are diverse underwater ecosystems held together by calcium carbonate structures secreted by corals. Most coral reefs are built from stony corals, which in turn consist of polyps that cluster in groups. They are held together by calcium carbonate structures secreted by corals.

Reef Biology

Reef biology is a sizable field of research and is the study of the specialized productive underwater ecosystem, Specifically the Biology of Reefs and Reef Organisms.  The off-reef floor is the shallow seafloor surrounding a reef. This zone occurs by reefs on continental shelves.


Catfishes are a diverse group of ray-finned fish. There are armor-plated types and there are also naked types, neither having scales. Catfish are of considerable commercial importance; many of the larger species are farmed or fished for food. Many catfish are nocturnal. Catfish have inhabited all continents at one time or another.

Sea Grass

Seagrasses are flowering plants belonging to four plant families (Posidoniaceae, Zosteraceae, Hydrocharitaceae, or Cymodoceaceae), all in the order Alismatales (in the class of monocotyledons), which grow in marine, fully saline environments. Seagrasses form extensive beds or meadows, which can be either monospecific or in mixed beds where more than one species coexist.

Brackish Water

Brackish water or briny water is water that has more salinity than fresh water, but not as much as seawater. It may result from the mixing of seawater with fresh water, as in estuaries, or it may occur in brackish fossil aquifers. Certain human activities can produce brackish water, in particular certain civil engineering projects such as dikes and the flooding of coastal marshland to produce brackish water pools for freshwater prawn farming.

Ocean Currents

An ocean current is more or less a permanent or continuous, directed movement of ocean water that flows in one of the Earth's oceans. Ocean current is the directed movement of the ocean water by virtue of the forces like wind, earth's rotation, gravitation of the moon etc.

Algal Blooms

Algal Bloom is a rapid increase in the population of microscopic algae in the water. Algal blooms may occur in freshwater as well as marine environments. Algal bloom events involving toxic or other harmful phytoplanktons are called Harmful algal blooms.

Marine Ecology Marine chemical ecology
Global warming Ecology of seamounts and canyons
Fish Farming Historical marine ecology and marine paleoecology
Environmental pollution & restoration Chemosynthetic ecosystems
Fisheries Economics and Management Environmental science
Bioremediation Recruitment ecology
Aquatic diseases Biology Biodiversity
Natural landscape Symbiosis
Limnology and Oceanography Forestry Geography
Urban planning Biodiversity
Fish Genetics Geosciences  
Sustainable development Ecology of coral reefs marine Biology
Pathology Zoology
Environmental monitoring & planning ecology of Mediterranean Marine ecosystems Environmental Genomics
Fish biochemistry and nutrition Botany
Marine ecological resilience Environmental Chemistry
Aquaculture biotechnology Mineralogy
Microbial-microbial interactions, holobionts and marine microbiomes Health and safety
Environmental Biology Oceanology
Seagrass and vegetated habitat ecology Risk assessment and management
Ecology Oceanography
Ecosystem connectivity Engineering innovations
Environmental Biotechnology Hydrology
Benthic-pelagic coupling Environmental Research on Advanced Materials
Marine ecological trends Limnology
Ecology of species invasions Environmental Toxicology
Drivers and regime shifts Soil science
Marine macroecology Environmental Biotechnology
Marine molecular ecology Geology & Mining
Marine natural capital and ecosystem services Ethnobiology
Global climate change Atmospheric science
Natural resource management Natural history
Taxonomy Environmental Studies & Engineering

Current Issue

Research article
Microcenosis of Arabidopsis Thaliana CV Columbia under Artificial Conditions
Microcenosis of Arabidopsis Thaliana CV Columbia under Artificial Conditions
Larysa N and Olga Y

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2021, 3: 1

Research article
Seabird and Mammal Ecology in Polar Marine Ecosystems and Climatic Changes
Seabird and Mammal Ecology in Polar Marine Ecosystems and Climatic Changes
Joiris Claude R

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2021, 3: 1

Research article
Research article
Research article
Research article
Response of Tomato Defoliation on Yield, Morpho-Physiological and Reproductive Characters
Response of Tomato Defoliation on Yield, Morpho-Physiological and Reproductive Characters
Khatun S, Mollah MI and Mondal MMA

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2022, 4: 1

Review article
Research article
Standing Biomass and Litterfall Production of Reforested Mangroves in Douala-Edea National Park (Cameroon)
Standing Biomass and Litterfall Production of Reforested Mangroves in Douala-Edea National Park (Cameroon)
Nyamsi-Moussian L , Gordon AN, Essome-Koum GL, Kotte-Mapoko EF, Boubakary B, Konango-Same A, Ngo-Massou VM, Shangguan Z and Wang MY

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2023, 5: 1

Research article
Efficacy Of Some Plant Extracts As Anaesthetics Agent In Tranportation Of Nile   Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Efficacy Of Some Plant Extracts As Anaesthetics Agent In Tranportation Of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Abu OMG, Ayaobu-Cookey IK and Ogu JF

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2023, 5: 1

Research article
Research article
Enzymatic Responses in Tilapia guineensis Exposed to Sodium Bromide in the Laboratory
Enzymatic Responses in Tilapia guineensis Exposed to Sodium Bromide in the Laboratory
Ayaobu-Cookey I.K

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2023, 5: 1

Research article
Changes in Metabolites in the Plasma of Tilapia Guineensis Exposed To Sodium Bromide
Changes in Metabolites in the Plasma of Tilapia Guineensis Exposed To Sodium Bromide
Ayaobu-Cookey I.K

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2023, 5: 1

Research article
Fungal Diversity in Subernarekha Mangrove Ecosystem of Odisha, India
Fungal Diversity in Subernarekha Mangrove Ecosystem of Odisha, India
Gupta N, Basak UC, Mohapatra K, Sandeepta S and Nayak SS

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2023, 5: 1

Research article
Biometric indices of Pseudotolithus elongatus (Bowdich, 1825) from the coastal waters of Rivers State, Nigeria
Biometric indices of Pseudotolithus elongatus (Bowdich, 1825) from the coastal waters of Rivers State, Nigeria
Ferrante L, Duczmal L, Philip RU and Aiyeloja JO

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2023, 5: 1

Research article
Diversity Analysis of Amphibians in the Natural Habitat of Haripur City, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Diversity Analysis of Amphibians in the Natural Habitat of Haripur City, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bibi B, Khan N, shaheen I, Sultan A, Batool BK and Ullah K

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2023, 5: 1

Research article
Beach Dynamics of an Open Coast of Thengapattanam, Kanyakumari District, South Western India
Beach Dynamics of an Open Coast of Thengapattanam, Kanyakumari District, South Western India
Henry C, Saravanan S and Chandrasekar N

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2023, 5: 1

Research article
Effects of Atrazine on Some Electrolytes in the Plasma of Clarias Gariepinus Juveniles
Effects of Atrazine on Some Electrolytes in the Plasma of Clarias Gariepinus Juveniles
Akinrotimi OA, Ikeogu CF, Onoja CR, Ayaobu-Cookey IK and Ugwu NJ

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2024, 6: 1

Research article
Emergence of Tick-Borne Zoonotic Parasites in Livestock and Companion Animals in Pakistan
Emergence of Tick-Borne Zoonotic Parasites in Livestock and Companion Animals in Pakistan
Fareed J, Shafqat J, Zubair Z, Sabir M and Ullah K

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2024, 6: 1

Research article
Acetic Acid (Vinegar) in Food Preservation: A Review of Its Biological Effects on Human Health and Disease
Acetic Acid (Vinegar) in Food Preservation: A Review of Its Biological Effects on Human Health and Disease
Mahnoor S, Alishba B, Nafeesa A and Maimona S

General science: J Marine Biol Environ Sci 2024, 6: 1

Journal Spotlight

  •   Marine Biology
  •   Marine Ecology
  •   Fish Farming
  •   Fisheries Economics and Management
  •   Aquatic diseases
  •   Limnology and Oceanography
  •   Fish Genetics
  •   Pathology
  •   Fish biochemistry and nutrition
  •   Aquaculture biotechnology
  •   Environmental Biology
  •   Ecology
  •   Environmental Biotechnology
  •   Environmental Genomics
  •   Environmental Chemistry
  •   Health and safety
  •   Risk assessment and management
  •   Engineering innovations
  •   Environmental Research on Advanced Materials
  •   Environmental Toxicology
  •   Environmental Biotechnology
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