About Journal

The Global Journal of Infectious Diseases and Immune Therapies is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to publishing the most recent advances in Infectious Diseases and Immunotherapies. Researchers and practitioners participate in GJIDIT to discuss the latest developments in the theory and practice of infection epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment, antibiotics, and resistance.

Using Pubtexto's open-access platform, scholars and doctors can get the latest information on the latest scientific developments, applications, and data interpretation in clinical and preclinical research. In addition to providing original articles, reviews, and case reports on the latest discoveries and developments related to all areas of medicine, Pubtexto is committed to bringing comprehensive and reliable information on the latest developments. Researchers can use Pubtexto to share their innovative ideas and work and to recognize their scholarly works. In this knowledge dissemination process, students, librarians, scholars, research centers, educational institutions and research centers get the most significant benefit.

The journal emphasizes the managerial and organizational facets of studies prevail to infectious diseases and immune therapies focusing on the origin of the infectious organism, pathogenesis related to the causative organism, diagnosis of the disease by various diagnostic products, preventing the spreading of these vulnerable diseases by vaccination, Immunology, etiopathogenesis, antibiotic resistance, pharmacoeconomics, prognosis, patient care, counseling, and education of the new innovations and advanced therapies.

GJIDIT's goal is to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on the latest discoveries and developments. We encourage the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. GJIDIT journal seeks to publish a balanced mix of high-quality theoretical or Empirical research articles, Reviews, Case reports, Editorial, short communication, Letter to the editor, Commentary, book reviews, etc.,

Frequency: Quarterly

Review Process: Double-blinded peer review process

Plagiarism Policy

The articles submitted by authors must contain a minimum of 80% unique content (Which should be unique and must not copy from any other websites). The authors must maintain 100% uniqueness in the Results and conclusion part of the text. We will resend the articles, which have below 80% uniqueness to the authors for revision and ask for resubmissions with uniqueness (as per guidelines).

Authors are welcome to submit their manuscript online at Submit Manuscript Or as an email attachment to editor8infectious@gmail.com 

Aim and Scope

Global Journal of Infectious Diseases and Immune Therapies (GJIDIT) features a vast spectrum of topics that address the clinical and medical aspects of the disease by including studies on Infectious Diseases, Immune deficiencies, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), Gynecology, Clinical virology, Epidemiology, Molecular biology, and Immunology. Apart from focusing on the research that finds ways and means to fight the disease, the journal pays attention to the social stigma attached to the disease by focusing on studies related to HIV Medicine, HIV Drug therapies, Behavioral Sciences, Social sciences & Humanities, AIDS Education & Prevention, family Medicine, Translational Science, etc…

The journal covers a wide range of topics in this discipline and creates a platform for the authors to contribute to the advancement of Infectious Diseases Knowledge.

The desire of the journal is to advance the knowledge and clinical practice in all the interdisciplinary areas of Infectious Diseases and Immunotherapies. This journal strives to serve a diverse readership by publishing articles on a range of topics but not limited to 

Adult (Non-Flu) Vaccines Bacterial infections Campylobacter
Agriculture Biosecurity Biosecurity Issues Chikungunya
Antimicrobial resistance  Babesiosis  Childhood Vaccines
Acute Flaccid Myelitis  Botulism  Cancer immunotherapy
Anaplasmosis  Brucellosis  Cholera
Anthrax Bioterrorism Campylobacteriosis 
Autoimmune diseases  Botulism Carbapenem-resistant Infection 
Antimicrobial Stewardship Bse Chancroid 
Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Business Preparedness Chikungunya Virus Infection 
D E Chlamydia 
Diagnostic Immunology E Coli Ciguatera Clostridium Difficile Infection 
Dengue Ebola Chronic infection
Dengue, 1,2,3,4 (Dengue Fever)  Encephalopathy  Clostridium Perfringens 
Diphtheria Diagnostics Shiga toxin-producing (STEC) Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)  Coccidioidomycosis fungal infection 
Drug Supply Chains Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola)  Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease, transmissible spongiform Clinical Immunology
Dual-Use Research Ehrlichiosis  Climate Change
F Encephalitis, Arboviral or parainfectious  Clostridium Difficile
Food Biosecurity Enterovirus Infection, Non-Polio (Non-Polio Enterovirus)   Cryptosporidiosis 
Foodborne Disease Enterovirus Infection, D68 (EV-D68)  Cyclosporiasis 
Foot-And-Mouth Disease Enterovirus, Non-Polio COVID-19
Fungal Infection Epidemiology Computational Immunology
Giardiasis (Giardia)  H1n1 2009 Pandemic Influenza Legionella
Glanders  Hepatitis Listeria
Gonococcal Infection H3n2v Influenza M
Granuloma inguinale  Haemophilus Influenza disease, Type B (Hib or H-flu)  Malaria
Glanders & Melioidosis Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome  Mycotic infections
I Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)  Meningitis
Influenza (Flu)  Hepatitis A (Hep A)  Malaria 
Immunopathogenesis Hepatitis B (Hep B)  Measles 
Influenza Vaccines Hepatitis C (Hep C)  Melioidosis 
Immunology Hepatitis D (Hep D)  Meningitis, Viral (Meningitis, viral)  
Influenza, General Hepatitis E (Hep E)  Meningococcal Disease, Bacterial 
Influenza virus Herpes  Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 
Intestinal diseases  Herpes Zoster, zoster VZV (Shingles)  Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children 
Infectious diseases Histoplasmosis infection (Histoplasmosis)  Mumps Marburg
Q-Fever  Human Immunodeficiency Virus/AIDS (HIV/AIDS)  Mcr-1
N Human Papillomavirus (HPV)  Measles
Ndm-1 H7n9 Avian Influenza Melioidosis
Neonatal sepsis Helicobacter pylori Meningitis
Norovirus HIV infections Mers-Cov
Novel Coronavirus Healthcare-Associated Infections Misc Emerging Topics
R Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (Hus) Mrsa
Rinderpest Human Papillomavirus (Hpv) Mumps
Rotavirus T V
Rubella Transmissive or blood infections Vaginosis, bacterial (Yeast Infection) 
P Tick-Borne Disease Vaping-Associated Lung Injury 
Public Health Tetanus Infection, tetani (Lock Jaw)  Varicella (Chickenpox) 
Pandemic and epidemic diseases Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas infection)  Vibrio cholerae (Cholera) 
Pandemic Influenza Trichonosis Infection (Trichinosis)  Vibriosis (Vibrio) 
Pediatric Infectious Diseases  Tularemia (Rabbit fever)  Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
Parasitic infection Typhoid Fever, Group D  Viral infections
Plague Typhus Testicular Immunology Viral Immunology
Pneumonia Tuberculosis W
Polio Tularemia West Nile Virus 
Pathogen cell biology   Y
S   Yersenia (Yersinia) 
Salmonella   Yellow Fever
Sars   Z
Scombroid    Zika Virus Infection (Zika) 
Septic Shock (Sepsis)     
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Shigellosis gastroenteritis (Shigella) 
Staphyloccal Infection    
Staphylococcal Food Poisoning, Enterotoxin - B Poisoning (Staph Food Poisoning) 
Staphylococcal Infection,    
Vancomycin Intermediate     
Staphylococcal Infection, Vancomycin Resistant   
Streptococcal Disease, Group A (invasive) (Strep A (invasive)) 
Streptococcal Disease, Group B (Strep-B) Streptococcal Toxic-Shock Syndrome, STSS, Toxic Shock (STSS, TSS)
Syphilis, primary, secondary, early latent, late latent, congenital 
Swine Influenza    


Current Issue

Research article
Research article
Research article
Phenotypic Determination of Phage Susceptibility among Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Clinical Samples of Patients of Tertiary Care Centre, Nepal
Phenotypic Determination of Phage Susceptibility among Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Clinical Samples of Patients of Tertiary Care Centre, Nepal
Shrestha S, Yadav P, Khadka P, Sah R, Mishra SK, Rai JR and Sharma S

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2023, 5: 1

Case Report
Unilateral lateral rectus palsy: An uncommon presentation of Scrub Typhus
Unilateral lateral rectus palsy: An uncommon presentation of Scrub Typhus
Ete K, Habung H and Deshpandey JJ

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2023, 5: 1

Research article
Cellular Bioenergetics Effects of Sirolimus on the Gonads of BALB/c Mice
Cellular Bioenergetics Effects of Sirolimus on the Gonads of BALB/c Mice
Narchi H, Bawardi AA, Thachillath P and Souid AK

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2023, 5: 2

Research article
Antimicrobial Activity of Jatropha Curcas Sap on Selected Microorganisms
Antimicrobial Activity of Jatropha Curcas Sap on Selected Microorganisms
Adeiza ZD, Olaitan CO, Emmanuel E, Israel OA and Danjuma SY

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2023, 5: 3

Research article
Impact of Malaria on Chronic Diseases
Impact of Malaria on Chronic Diseases
Abubakari A, Dabuo B, Akantibila M, Oladipo OS, Osei EA and Odoi RNY

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2023, 5: 2

Case Report
Hookworm-related Cutaneous Larva Migrans in Dutse, Nigeria: A Case Report
Hookworm-related Cutaneous Larva Migrans in Dutse, Nigeria: A Case Report
Nuhu SY and Muhammed H

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2023, 5: 3

Short Review
Short Review
Hesitancy toward COVID-19 Vaccines among Health Care Workers in Kabul, Afghanistan
Hesitancy toward COVID-19 Vaccines among Health Care Workers in Kabul, Afghanistan
Atiq MA, Shafiq K, Azimi M and Fawad SA

Medicine: Global J Appl Sci Technol 2024, 6: 1

Review article
The Role of Gut Microbiota in Breast Cancer Progression and Treatment: A Review
The Role of Gut Microbiota in Breast Cancer Progression and Treatment: A Review
Kassa Y, Mulatie Z, Tilahun M, Shibabaw A, Tesfaye M, Eshetu B and Belete AG

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2024, 6: 1

Review article
Mechanism of ART Therapy in HIV Patients
Mechanism of ART Therapy in HIV Patients
Sabir M, Ahmed L, Asif U and Amjad A

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2024, 6: 1

Review article
Staphylococcus Aureus Infections
Staphylococcus Aureus Infections
Kumari S, Kumari P, Barman P, Pal PK, Ghosh N and Bhattacharyya S

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2024, 6: 2

Research article
Cytokine Levels in Thromboangiitis Obliterans Patients with Amputation
Cytokine Levels in Thromboangiitis Obliterans Patients with Amputation
Darvishvand R, Ghasemi Z, Faghih A, Johari HG and Talepoor AG

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2024, 6: 2

Review article
A Review on: Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Their Clinical Application
A Review on: Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Their Clinical Application
Saparia PP, Patel AH, Sapariya D and Rabadiya B

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2024, 6: 2

Opinion Article
Review article
A Review on Spirulina’s Clinical Therapeutic Application
A Review on Spirulina’s Clinical Therapeutic Application
Saparia PP, Unadkat GN, Darshin HD, Sapariya D and Rabadiya B

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2024, 6: 2

Research article
Molecular Epidemiology of the Oncogenic HHV-8 Virus and Genetic Expression of P53 and C-Myc in Blood Donors in Congo-Brazzaville
Molecular Epidemiology of the Oncogenic HHV-8 Virus and Genetic Expression of P53 and C-Myc in Blood Donors in Congo-Brazzaville
Mayakia PJI, Boumba ALM, Pouki FS, Massengo NRB, Moukassa D and Ennaji M

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2024, 6: 3

Review article
A Review for the Role of Green Juice in Enhancing Body Activity Based on Scientific Constants
A Review for the Role of Green Juice in Enhancing Body Activity Based on Scientific Constants
Ahmed A Al-Salhi, Sabah M Al-Shatty and Eman A Al-Imara

Medicine: Global J Infect Dis Immune Ther 2024, 6: 3

Journal Spotlight

  •   Infectious diseases
  •   Pathogen cell biology
  •   Transmissive or blood infections
  •   Bacterial infections
  •   Viral infections
  •   Mycotic infections
  •   Intestinal diseases
  •   Immunopathogenesis
  •   Chronic infection
  •   Pandemic and epidemic diseases
  •   Immunology
  •   Antimicrobial resistance
  •   Autoimmune diseases
  •   Cancer immunotherapy
Media Partners and Indexing